Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Birthday Boys

During my blogging break we had some big milestones, including Brody turning 4 and Brayden turning 6!

Brody's birthday was right after we got home from Disney World. Both boys were dying to go see Big Hero 6. Baymax was all over Disney World and they fell in love with him before they had even watched the movie preview! 

Needless to say, they really loved the, not so much. It was so sad! Why does Disney insist on killing off all the parents?! Baymax was adorable though!

Brody picked Chuck-E-Cheese for his birthday party followed by lunch at Chili's, or as he calls it, the bean place (he thinks the big red chili on the sign is actually a bean).

I picked a pirate Mickey themed cake design for him and he absolutely loved it! It turned out so great!

Brayden's 6th birthday was yesterday and he was beyond excited! This past weekend he picked bowling as his birthday party activity, so our family met us at the bowling alley for games and pizza. I don't have all of those pictures uploaded yet but I did snap a picture of his Ninja Turtles cake with my phone. I think next year we will probably start having friend parties but I've so enjoyed just doing big family events these past few years! It's so much more relaxed!

Yesterday, we surprised B at school with cupcakes for his class! Actually, I think he had guessed that we were coming but he was still so happy to see us!

He picked dinner at Chuy's last night and after that, we went to my parent's house to let him open some gifts and crack open his piñata (this boy LOVES a piñata).

It's so hard to believe that I have a 4 and 6 year old! I always thought it was so cliche to say that kids grow up so fast but I'm finding it to be ridiculously true. I'm so proud of the sweet, God-loving little boys they are and I'm so grateful that I get to be their mommy!
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