Have you ever spent much time looking at Craigslist listings? I hadn't until recently. I have, however, sold several baby items and such there. As my PSA for the day, I thought I'd do a little post about selling your stuff on Craigslist. Instead of my usual "how-to" this also includes several "NEVER DO!" instructions!
Let's start with a few don'ts...
Clean your junk up!
I was looking at a dresser yesterday that had no less than 4 stacks of clothes at least 15" or so high, a clock radio, what appeared to be about 50 tangled wires and a flag on it. You couldn't hardly make out the piece because of the clutter!
This also applies to people. I pulled up a listing where they were selling several pieces and one of those pieces was a couch. Someone was asleep on the couch. I kid you not. If you're selling something, it's probably best not to cover it up with a sleeping human.
If you're selling something with a mirror attached to it, do not use this as your opportunity to practice your duck lips.
Another dresser that I looked at had a mirror attached and the girl taking the picture posted 4 pictures of the exact same view of the dresser but in each one she had a different and very dramatic facial expression.
Let there be light!
I pulled up another posting, listed as "blue buffet"... the only problem was the picture was SO dark, you couldn't make out the shape of the buffet, let alone the color! Be sure that you've got adequate lighting when you take pictures of your items!
DO take several pictures of your item, in good lighting.
DO show close ups of areas of detail, damage or interest.
DO show you piece off without a ton of stuff around it.
When you're selling a table, don't have the sofa, lamps, side tables etc all around it. It's confusing and distracting!
DO include a detailed description of your item!
Are you selling furniture? Is it solid wood? Have you refinished it? Do the drawers all slide out easily, or do they stick? Are the tracts broken? Were you the first owner? Where did you purchase it?