Welcome to day 3 of the 3rd Annual Blog Commenting Challenge!

Welcome to Day 3! Our topic today is two-fold:
Tell us about your social media! Where can we find you? Link to your twitter, pinterest, Facebook, instagram, or google +. If you don't use those sites, then tell us why not!
Also, what are your favorite websites? Are there any that you check daily? What do you like about them?
While I don't use instagram, google + or Facebook for my blog, I do use them for personal accounts. I find Facebook to be a good way to keep up with all of my family in California. I do use Twitter and Pinterest though. You can send me a follow request on Twitter by clicking here. If you'd like to follow my Pinterest, you can find it here.
I have several favorite websites. I probably shouldn't admit it but I check in with People.com, Us Magazine.com, Pop Sugar and Gossip Cop daily. It's my guilty pleasure. I usually visit Pinterest every day as well.
I also like to check the daily deals on Zulily each morning. If you don't have a Zulily account, it's a free and easy thing. They post daily deals from all sorts of brands (good brands that you've actually heard of and purchased before like Lima Bean Kids, Down East Basics, Cuisinart, New Balance etc) and everything is 50-70% off. I've bought all sorts of things on there, from shower gifts to shirts for myself, and even some baking supplies. If you'd like to set up an account just click here.
I usually check in with Swagbucks everyday to. I did a post on how to use Swagbucks here. Basically it's a search engine that you earn points on and you can redeem those points for gift cards or other things. I cash mine in for Amazon gift cards and use those to buy books for my Kindle app. =)
Speaking of Amazon, that's a site that I check in with every few weeks. I love to read and am always looking for new books. Something I discovered fairly recently was that they have TONS of free book downloads. They have all my favorite classics for free (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Little Women) and recently they had some great books by Francis Chan for free too (Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell). I don't know how often they add new books, it might be daily, but I try to check in every week or two. They do have a Top 100 Free list and you can search Free Kindle e-books to see all of the freebies.
So what about you? What are your daily internet reads? I hope everyone is enjoying the challenge!