Remember how I hosted a baby shower last week? What you didn't know was that I ended up a large grease splatter on my brand new dress and had to go change halfway through the shower!
I had read on Pinterest that you could remove a grease stain with chalk. My verdict? You CANNOT remove a grease stain with chalk! If anything, it lightened it slightly.
So, I thought I was stuck. I had just bought that dress and it was the first time I was getting to wear it so I was bummed. Then I remembered that what Pinterest doesn't know, Twitter does. So I asked there! I probably had 15 or 20 people tell me to try using the blue Dawn soap.

Next I washed the dress and now it is as good as new! You can't see any part of the stain at all! So, I thought I'd pass that little tidbit on in case you have something that you think it ruined!