This happened to be one of those super busy weekends where I can't fit everything into one post. So I'm going to cover the most important thing first - Brayden's second ride in an ambulance.
Let's start at the beginning...
Saturday evening Chris and I had a charity gala to go to. It was a Kentucky Derby theme, hence the ridiculous hat I have on. In all fairness I had like three days to pull an outfit together so this is just as good as I got. Some women really got into it - I saw fresh flowers on hats, fake sunflowers that were 12" in diameter and even a black witches hat decorated with a boa.
You all know the Famous Parmesan Chicken Salad recipe? The creator of that recipe is my moms friend (and mine as well!) Teresa, and this is her (in the green dress) with my mom and I:

Let me say before I get into what happened that it was a complete fluke of an accident that could have happened whether or not I was here and it is in no way, shape or form our sitters fault - we adore her and will continue to use her as our sitter unless we scared her off! She's an amazing girl and I feel terrible that this happened while she was watching my boys.
So, back to my phone ringing. It was Hannah and I knew something was wrong. Unfortunately, we were surrounded by 500 people and I couldn't hear anything other than "Brayden" and "paramedics were called."
I immediately jumped up to leave and then Hannah put the paramedics on the line. All I could understand was that he fell and hit his head, needed stitches and to be evaluated for a concussion.
What ended up happening was the boys were playing in the playroom and Brayden tripped over a lego and fell into the play table. Hannah immediately called the paramedics and then me. I am so impressed with her quick thinking and how she handled the situation.
Chris and I raced home (the police actually gave us an escort part of the way which was incredibly kind of them) and I was able to ride in the ambulance while Chris followed behind. My parents left the gala to and they snapped this picture of the ambulance with B and I, followed by my car with Chris and Brody in it.
Once we got there, we got right in and they began to evaluate Brayden. He ended up going back for an Xray and it took Chris and to technicians to hold him down. Poor little guy - he was so confused and just kept screaming "I want to go home!"

The ENT's in the ambulance were AWESOME. Seriously, they were so great with Brayden. One of them gave him a stuffed duck which he named Willie (Duck Dynasty, anyone?).
This was the fastest ER experience I've ever had. We got right in, a doctor evaluated him, sent him off for an x-ray, concluded that he didn't have a concussion, and then another doctor came in and together they decided that his laceration could be glued instead of stitched, which I was thankful for. I don't think he would have been to excited to have a needle coming towards his face, especially that close to his eye.

We were discharged shortly after he was glued and he asked for a milkshake, so we took him to Chickfila for a kids chocolate shake.
Today he has a black eye and it's also a little swollen, but you would never know he got hurt. He completely ignores it and insists that he feels fine. Seriously, I have never met a kid as strong as he is! My little man is a trooper! For those of you who follow me on Twitter, thank you so much for your prayers while he was in the ER and when I didn't know what was going on! I really appreciate it!

I know you might be confused about why this is his "2nd" ambulance ride. When Brayden was a newborn he was transported from the hospital he was born at, to another nearby hospital that had a NICU before being flown to Arkansas Children's Hospital. Earlier that day, we saw the helicopter that flew him to ACH (that's for another post, this one is long enough!) and we were telling him the story, so he was pointing out to me that this was his second ride in the ambulance while I was in the back of it with him.