When you're dating someone, the question is always, "When are you going to get married?"
Once you're married, the question becomes, "When are you going to have kids?"
After your first, people start asking, "When will you have another?"
And after you have two boys, it's, "You're going to try for a a girl, right?"
And that is where I am at.
I think a lot of fairly colorful answers back in my head, but usually I just say, "Nope! We're done!" I know I'm not the only boy mom that gets this (and moms of 2 or more girls probably get this too!) but I just don't understand it.
Maybe I would want three kids if I hadn't have already been through 2+ years of infertility, a miscarriage, 2 very rough pregnancies, 2 realllllly bad deliveries and 1 sick and 1 incredibly sick babies.
Then again, maybe I wouldn't.
But I can guarantee you that if I did, my thought would not be, "I hope it's a girl this time." My thought would be, "I hope it is a healthy baby this time."
Would I have enjoyed having a girl? Sure! Pink and baby dolls, tea parties and manicures! Prom and wedding dresses!

But I adore having two sweet boys because...
They make mud pies
I get to watch them turn into mini - Chris'
I have a family room filled with John Deere tractors and CAT bulldozers
Their complete fearlessness
Big belly laughs
Superhero costumes
Brayden begging to watch the "Razorback football" in Daddy's football room
My sweet boys will always love their momma in that special mom/son bond.
For me, it's not about wanting what I don't have, it's about loving what I do have! I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.
Remember, the Erin Condren giveaway will end TOMORROW, so get your entries in now! And check out my 12 Days of Goodies - sign up today to be featured on Jenna's Journey next month!