Saturday was my Dad's birthday! Happy birthday Daddy! I love you!
He and Chris went to the big game in the morning. This was made much better by the fact that we won! My Dad really isn't in to sports but he enjoyed this game. He was texting me and I could tell he was having a fun time!
Woo Pig Sooie!

Brody is oddly fascinated by my Dad's teeth. That and his watch. My strange little sweet man. Ha!
When I was at the store buying my Dad's card, Brayden asked me what I was doing. I explained to him what I was getting and he said he wanted to buy GrandDaddy a present with his money. Fun fact about Brayden: he loves to con people out of money. He will constantly ask my mom for quarters knowing that she wont give him coins because she's afraid he will eat them so she gives him dollars. So he has quite the little dollar collection going.

Anyway, he asked to buy GrandDaddy a gift with his money. I asked what he would like to get and he said a John Deere tractor. Haha! So, we took him to the tractor supply store and he picked out this tractor: