We had a super busy weekend!

Brayden couldn't wait to dive into the cupcakes!
This boy LOVES the water! I forgot both my and Brody's swimsuits so we stood on the sidelines and took pictures!
Brayden, Stella, Cilla and Brody playing with their dads:
Cilla kept playing with the watering can; it was so cute! I think she thought the concrete looked a little dry!

That afternoon Chris' brother Jayce was coming up for a visit. He will be leaving for college soon so we wanted to spend as much time with him as we could! We had a BBQ and then hit up the TCBY for some froyo.
Sunday my parents came home from Lake Tahoe so we spent the entire day with them, eating at Olive Garden for lunch and then smoking ribs for dinner! Afterwards we went to a great walking trail for a long walk with them and the kids.
It was such a wonderful, relaxed weekend!