Friday, May 27, 2011

This is more like it...

Now that we are "staycationing" at home, we are having a much better time!

Today was an eventful Friday, though I kept thinking it was Saturday. It was weird for Chris to be home on a weekday!

I finally planted my herb garden. I have a black thumb. Seriously. I kill plants just by looking at them.

But I've heard that it's nearly impossible to kill an herb garden (yea, we'll see about that) so I decided to give it a try since it's hard to find tarragon and dill at stores in my area, and I happen to love them. I also planted basil, cilantro, parsley and green onions.

We also went to Sam's Club to pick up Chris' father's day gift - a smoker! I asked you guys on twitter which one was your favorite and that's the one we got!

Tonight we smoked boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Oh.My.GOSH. They were out of this world, crazy good. We coated them in Fox Brothers BBQ Seasoning (we bought it at the Fox Bro's BBQ in Atlanta, GA) and that was it. DELISH!!!

Then we took the kids for a walk, which was great until I tripped over absolutely nothing and busted it in front of a bunch of kids. Chris caught me, or it would have been broken ankle bad. Love that instigator.

I hope everyone had a great Friday!
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