After being stuck in this house for what seems like forEVER, I had the opportunity to break free today! The kids and I met up with my friends Melissa and Marci for some fun at a local bounce house. I've never taken B to one before but I figured it was a good idea - running, bouncing, playing = wearing the little man out! Poor thing had been cooped up for over a week - he had some SERIOUS energy to burn!!
Let me tell you, he had a BLAST! He ran and ran and ran. Unfortunately, at the end of our visit, Brayden discovered the water fountain. He had his back to me so it just looked like he was taking a drink...a really lonnnnnnnnng drink. Finally, he turned to face me and he was absolutely drenched in water!! He had the hugest grin on his face though; it was precious! I ended up taking his shirt off and just putting him in his NorthFace jacket so that we could go home and get a dry shirt!
I seriously owe the people who invented the bounce house...when we got home Brayden was falling asleep over his lunch and actually ASKED me to go to bed! I was shocked when I heard "Mommy, Bubby go nigh-nigh?" I took him to bed and he slept like a log for three hours!
Then tonight was girls night out with a great group of friends. We headed to Panera for dinner and coffee. Chris went over to Sara's house so that he and Matt could wrangle our four kids together and eat pizza. It was so nice to have an evening of adult conversation and relaxation! Now to prepare for snow storm #2 which should come in tomorrow night!