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How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Size of baby: 6.8lbs,19.5 inches and the size of a leek.
Weight Gain: 22lbs
Maternity Clothes: I am still able to wear a combo of maternity and regular clothes which is realllllly crazy. The two shirts I have on in this pic are not maternity.
Gender: BOY! (Brody)
Movement: Pretty often but he's really running out of room to do too much.
What I miss: Sleep and being cold.
Sleep: I get up about 5 times per night.
Symptoms: I'm always way too hot and usually very exhausted.
Yesterday was my last regular appointment! I have to go in for some pre op stuff before delivery. My doctor decided to do a NST (non stress test) for several reasons. For being a non stress test it really stressed me out! I really didn't know what it meant - but all they did was hook me up to the fetal monitors, and give me a "jeopardy buzzer" and every time he moved I had to click the buzzer. Super easy. I sort think they forgot about me though because they were only supposed to leave me on it for 15 minutes and it was close to 40 before they unhooked me! Anyway, all was well and fine and they let me go home.
I'm having a few issues with my back, mainly because with this pregnancy I've gained practically all the weight in my stomach. With Brayden I gained weight EVERYWHERE and a lot more of it! The pressure from pulling my back muscles forward is causing some contractions and other things. When my doctor was feeling my muscles she said it felt like a wooden plank! Haha!