How Far Along: 37 Weeks - FULL TERM!
Size of baby: 6 1/3lbs,19 inches and the size of a Swiss chard.
Weight Gain: 21lbs
Maternity Clothes: I am still able to wear a combo of maternity and regular clothes which is realllllly crazy.
Gender: BOY! (Brody)
Movement: Pretty often but he's really running out of room to do too much.
What I miss: Sleep and being cold.
Sleep: I get up about 5 times per night.
Symptoms: I'm always way too hot and usually very exhausted. Only 2 weeks left!
I had a doctor appointment today and my doctor is estimating that Brody is around 6lbs right now (I don't put too much stock in estimates seeing as Brayden was supposed to be a 10lb baby and was 7.1!!!).
What do you think Brody will weigh?