I was SO excited to go to back to the first MOPS session of the year because Michelle Duggar was our guest speaker! I personally love the Duggar's; I think they are great people who stand up for their beliefs even when it isn't popular. I really admire their faith. I met Jim Bob and Michelle at ACH (click here) but this was the first time I'd met any of their children.
Michelle and I (yes, I wear glasses. There was a whole Twitter convo about it last week and so I decided to let a picture slip through of me in them. OK, or I forgot to take them off...it was dark outside because of the rain so I had them on so that I could see while driving!).
I ended up missing the last 30 minutes or so because Brayden was screaming in the nursery. I was so sad to miss the end of Michelle's talk. One thing that she said that I will really take away and think about is to praise your kids in public and correct them in private. I thought that was a really interesting idea and something that I am going to learn a little more about.