On Saturday Brayden went to a birthday party for his friend
Stella (or "Tella" as he calls her) and it was a Mickey & Minnie themed party. Sydney did such a great job on the food and decorations!

It was a beautiful day and so the kids played outside for awhile. Brayden with his friends Lilly and Reid. Funny sidenote...Brayden seems to think Lilly, Reid and Stella are all related. He asks for them constantly and always all three of them together!

The birthday girl in her adorable outfit!

And Jennifer brought Miss Jillian! Isn't her tutu adorable?! She is one of the most alert little babies I've ever seen!

We had such a good time and then B came home and crashed. It was the day of the Arkansas game and so believe it or not, I actually watched. Mainly I watched because Chris and my brother were at the game and I was hoping to spot them. They had super good seats (or so I've been told) and I thought I might luck out and see them! No such luck, but I do think I spotted a church friend on tv!
Tomorrow is my appointment to go over test results with my OB and also my 31 week mark!