How Far Along: 28 Weeks - Third Trimester!
Size of baby: 2.25lbs,14.8 inches and the size of a Chinese cabbage.
Maternity Clothes: I wear a combo of maternity and regular clothes. It just depends on the outfit! I tried on my non maternity jeans out of morbid curiosity the other day and am happy to say they still fit! With Brayden by 20 weeks I couldn't get into them! Of course, my pre-Brody jeans and my pre-Brayden jeans are two different sizes! Ha!
Gender: BOY! (Brody)
Movement: ALL.THE.TIME. He is VERY low but he recently discovered the joy of wedging his foot into my ribcage.
What I miss: Sleep.
Sleep: I get up about 3-5 times per night.
Symptoms: I still take a Zofran some mornings but other than that I'm okay. I'm also always way too hot and very exhausted!
I got a call from my doctor yesterday with, what seems like some of the first GOOD news I've gotten in awhile. My kidneys looked GREAT, no stones and no inflammation. Also, my lab work came back good. There wasn't any bacteria present which was great news. I think my exhaustion is coming from being sick this entire time - sinus infections, other infections, just one thing after another. It's like I just cannot get well and they've run out of medications because I'm allergic to so many of the meds they could treat me with!