How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: 1+ pound, 11+ inches and the size of a mango.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 4lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I wear a combo of maternity and regular clothes. It just depends on the outfit!
Gender: BOY!
Movement: Yes - I felt movement VERY early on (12-13 weeks). Chris has also felt him move.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Sleep: I get up about 3-5 times per night.
Symptoms: I still take a Zofran in the morning but other than that I'm okay.
Best Moment this week: Painting the nursery.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the bedding once it's made!
Next week is my 24 week appointment and my GD test...yummy fruit punch to drink. Ick! I've had several braxton hicks and even a few real contractions but we've gotten that under control. It's a totally different experience this time around because I have an almost 19 month old to take care of too! Resting with my feet up isn't usually and option but we are making it work!