I now interrupt my scheduled vacation recap post to share a little bit of baby name news with you...
But first a story. =)
Soooo...when I announced that we were making sure our family knew Baby #2's name first, I got an email from Amber at the Cotton Cupcake. She had a really cute idea for how I could announce his name - she embroidered it on a newborn hat! So that is how I'll be sharing his name! She also made an A-Dorable tee for Brayden!
Here's Brayden's tee:

And now for the reveal...Chris and I cannot agree on girl names so it's good that we are having another boy. When I was first pregnant with Brayden we picked out 2 names and decided if we had 2 boys, that their names would be Brayden and...
I've loved all the guesses that have come in - I did tell my family and some friends way back when I was like 10 weeks pregnant with Brayden but no one could remember the other name! Ha!
And because Amber is so awesome, she is offering FREE SHIPPING on any order from her store from now until July 31st if you use the code "I HEART JENNA". I promise I didn't come up with that code, it was all Amber! Hehe! Just mention the code in the "Notes to Seller" section and she will refund the shipping via PayPal. Thank you Amber for offering this!!!!