Be sure to check out my giveaway on the giveaway tab! I'm giving away FIVE personalized tee's from If You Say Sew Gifts!
Last week Chris and I did a TV interview with our local Fox channel for Arkansas Children's Hospital. Kimberly Clark (they own Huggies and several other brands) was donating $200,000 to Children's Miracle Network and wanted an ACH family there to accept the donation. Thankfully, Brian (below, left) was there from CMN to actually accept it - the check was HUGE (literally) and there was no way B would be able to accept it!
Below: Brain from CMN, Chris, B, Me, Cindy from the ACH Foundation:

After the check presentation we sat down to do the TV interview with Sarah from Fox - she was SO nice and really helped us feel at ease:

B started out in our laps but we knew that wasn't going to last!! Haha! He really wanted to play with the cameraman! Thankfully my mom was there to make sure he wasn't tearing anything up!

We've done radio interviews before to help with fundraisers at ACH but this was our first TV spot. It was NERVE WRACKING! It's hard enough for Chris and I to make it through Brayden's testimony and story without totally losing it but to have the added pressure of doing it on camera was SO scary. I hope it turns out okay and will end up raising awareness for the wonderful work done at ACH! It is truly unlike any other hospital!
For the local readers, our interview will be live on May 12 if you'd like to see it!