Monday, May 31, 2010

I went to Lowes to buy a cushion...

So this afternoon we went to Lowes to look for seat cushions for our outdoor patio furniture. The chairs are actually really comfortable without cushions but I wanted to add some color to the patio. We'd already been to a couple of stores and I haven't found anything I liked. Well Lowes likes to play funny little hide and go seek games with their merchandise and so after checking the first spot where they keep some of their cushions we headed to another area that has them and found this:

So needless to say we didn't find any seat cushions but we did find a fun new swing for the backyard that Brayden loves. And sorry if this picture blinds you, my poor son and I glow in the dark. Hopefully as he gets older he will tan like his Daddy!

No more trips to Lowes for me for awhile!
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