I haven't been on the computer in...hm, three days? Opps. I finally turned it on this morning and I've got a ton of emails and some twitter messages from you all! I'm fine! Didn't fall off the face of the earth! Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you!
Do you ever get so caught up in something that you kinda forget about the other stuff you usually do? That's what happened to me.
Friday I got a package in the mail that I'd been waiting on. Four books. I'll let you all take a guess now about what they might have been...

I swore I'd never read these books. I had a thing against them. But I was relaxing one day and there was nothing on TV. Noth-thing. So I flipped to the movie channels, and guess what was on. Uh-huh. Twilight.
I watched. Now I'm hooked. I ordered the books like, immediately. And that's where I've been since Friday. I'm almost done with the last one, but once I saw the emails and tweets, I thought I should probably make sure you all knew I was ok!
And by the way, do you all love the soundtrack as much as I do? I'm listening to Muse "Supermassive Black Hole" right now. Awesome song.