Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to the Gun Show

My mother in law, Lori, bought us a cool new camera in celebration of B's birthday...

So naturally, he wanted to show off for all the lady babies out there (Hey, Harper!):

Get ready for picture overload. And does anyone have tips on using a Canon Rebel xsi?


Anonymous said...

Thats the camera I have and I looove it! Very simple & takes great pictures (all those pictures from the snow you saw on my blog were taken with the xsi). I havent even tried any of the fancy settings, I either use the portrait, landscape or the little green box thing haha (shows you how "techy" i am!)

Kelly’s Korner said...

Harper says "whooooo whooooo"!!!!

Kendra said...

Oh be still my beating heart!!!

Beth said...

Super cute!

Meg said...

What a cute picture! That is the same camera I have and I love it. I would recommend taking a photography class and if you can't then you should be able to find anything you need for beginner photography.

I don't think you can get the full extent of the greatness of that camera without knowing how to use it manually. :)

I also putz on this forum:
It is fabulous for inspiration--just shoot, shoot and shoot some more.

Unknown said...

That's the camera we just got, and I already love it. I'm not too smart when it comes to electronics and gadgets, but this doesn't seem to hard to figure out! And just the regular settings take great pics! It's been too cold here to take it outside so I've only used on my dog inside so far...I can't wait to really test it out (although the dog pics are awfully adorable)! Give us pointers if you figure it out!

Brittany said...

work it, brayden ;)

onlyhuman13 said...

Whooo check out those guns! I have an xsi, and I absolutely love it. I never took a class or anything, just reading through the manual and a little trial-and-error has helped me leaps and bounds. Even if you just google "Canon Rebel xsi tips" all sorts of great sites come up. Good luck!

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

That is too darn funny!

We just got a new DSLR camera and I've read that book a million times and still mostly use the auto feature. I'm going to try to look into taking a photography class at a nearby community college. I really really want to learn.

I can say that I downloaded 30 days trials of Photoshop Elements and Light Room. They both blew my mind. Of course, I didn't have tutorials to read since I just downloaded them, but that will be my next step once I figure out how to take better pictures.

Linds said...

I have a Canon Rebel XT, which is an older version of your camera. I love it! Read the owners manual, and if you don't understand something, try to google it. That's what I did, and with a little practice, I now use mostly manual settings. Also, if you have the money, get a good lens-- the kit lens it comes with is not that great.

Beth McC. said...

He is so cute! Im jealous of your new camera!!!!

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

Haha. Love it!

Jill said...

HAHA! That is the cutest pic!!

Melissa said...

I have the xsi.. had it about a year now and just started really learning to use it a few months ago.

My tips are to:
1) read the manual. it's boring, but it helps.
2) read Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. he is a genius.
3) buy the 50mm 1.8 lens and play around with it. it helps you get the super cool blurry background while your subject is still in focus.
4.) dont use flash if you can help it. natural light is so much prettier!

Ann said...

What an absolute cutie!

Erin Parker said...

LOL! What a ham.

Aishlea said...

That pic is so funny! And cute!! :) You need to save that one for later in life! haha

Lauren said...

Soooooo cute!!!! :)

Nick, Lindsey, and Anniston Kennedy said...

We have that same camera and I love it! My advice would be: external flash!! In camera flash doesn't always leave the best looking pictues, but with an external, you can't even tell the flash was used! Also if you do invest in an external, don't aim the flash right at Brody, bounce it off a wall or ceiling! We just got our external about a month ago and I LOVE it!! I think you'll really enjoy this camera!!

Barclay Kathryn said...

Oh my goodness that picture is just precious!!

YoungNaNa said...

Just so just!!! Great camera...

Jen said...

That picture is TOO cute!! :) Love it! Can't wait to see the party pics! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am really good at checking up on others, but not so great at keeping up mine! Guess I need to work on that !:)

jsiewert said...

Ha ha I about peed my pants when I saw "Hey Harper" ha ha too funny.

Wendy said...

This is one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen! You seriously need to enter this one in the Regis & Kelly contest!

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest picture ever! I think you should enter him in the Regis & Kelly contest too!!!!!

Erin said...

Too sweet and precious!

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