Today is Brayden's first birthday! I can't believe how time has flown. I know everyone says that but I really, truly, can't believe it! We don;t believe we;d be where we are now without our Prayer Warriors. Here is a group from my Dad's office. Thank you all!

Two of the only pics I have without wires and tubes from his first 5 weeks:
Today my grandma, parents and the three of us are venturing back to ACH. We want to take a birthday donation to the hospital that God used to save our son. We asked our families to donate in honor of Brayden to ACH this year for his birthday, instead of buying presents.
My grandmother hasn't been to ACH before so we're going to give her the grand tour. We would like to take B up to show him the Angel One helicopter that he flew on but they are doing some construction work on the hospital and the helicopters are onsite. We might be able to go see them - we won't know until we get there.
On to the customary picture and stat info...
Brayden you...
- Finally weigh in over 18lbs! You're sitting at about 18.5 now. You're also about 30.5"
- Can say "Mama, Dada, Baba, Uh-Oh, BamBam, Batman (we hum the tune for you), Love You (more like lub bu), Ball, Cup, and UP!
- You wave Hi and Byebye.
- When you wake up you start saying "Mama, UP!" until I come to get you.
- You're still in a size 3 diaper, size 4 shoe and 9-12 month clothes.
- Your favorite foods are ravioli's, gold fish, chicken, Olive Garden breadsticks and ritz crackers. Carb overload! Oh and you also love dehydrated mango and papaya.
- You love Sox. He lets you come lay on him and beat him up. He takes it like a champ.
- You can stand on your own, and you've taken 3 steps a couple of times. You could totally walk, you're just refusing.
- Every morning I ask you for your bink and you hunt it down and hand it to me and wave byebye to it.
- You speed crawl faster than fast!
- You've had 2 haircuts already.
- You have SIX teeth and are getting a couple more.
- Favorite game is Patty Cake.
- You still love the vacuum cleaner. You follow me wherever I go when I'm vacuuming!
You are the light of our lives and we are so thankful that we have you!
"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden! Hope you have a wonderful day. Be blessed....
Ahhh... Happy Birthday!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!! Hope you guys have a blessed day!
Yeah for Brayden!! Have a great day! What a testimony.....God is so good!
Happy Birthday sweet boy...I cannot believe it has been a year...God is so faithful, what a blessing Brayden is to you and your family! Praise be to God!
Happy Birthday Brayden!!
Happy First Birthday Brayden!! It really does go fast! : )
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!!
Happy Birthday Brayden! Have a wonderful day!
What a sweet post...Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!!!
Happy Birthday, Brayden! God's blessings to you!
Happy Birthday Bayden!!! May your day be full of love and laughter :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYDEN!!!!!!!! I think what you do with your pacifier is so cute! ;)
Happy 1st birthday Brayden! Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday B!!!!! :)
Hope he has a wonderful one!
Happy Birthday Brayden! We started a tradition of going to the NICU where Reese was kept on her birthday last year. It's so nice to go back and thank all the wonderful people who saved our baby girl!
Happy Birthday! I love that shirt he's wearing... where did you get it?
Happy Birthday Brayden! Jenna, I'm thinking of you today and the next few days. But it will be full of all kinds of fun memories! Have a great rest of the week loving on your B!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!
I am so happy for you and your family that God gave you such a wonderful first year to spend with this little guy. He is just too cute!
My Lincoln loves the vacuum cleaner too. I almost knock him down because he is right behind me while I run ours and he is trying to help. My mom also has a toy vac for him to play with at her house and he runs to his playroom every time he goes there just to get the vacuum cleaner and he vacuums her whole house. It's SO cute!!!
May God bless you and your family with many more years with your little boy.
Happy BIG first birthday to Brayden and the rest of the family!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!!
Oh this about brings tears to my eyes!! God has been so faithful.
Good for you Jenna for giving Him all the glory!!!
Happy 1st birthday sweet boy!!! Hope you have a GREAT day, and that the Lord fills you with JOY regarding Brayden's birth =)
Happy birthday, Brayden!!
Colleen :-)
Happy Birthday Brayden!
Happy 1st birthday Brayden!!! I need to get a shirt like his for Brandon's 1st B-day. Where did you get it?
Happy 1st Birthday, Brayden!
Happy 1st birthday Brayden! I hope you have many more joyful and blessed years.
Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!!!!!!
Yea! Happy Birthday, Brayden! You're about to be a handful for your mommy but she's gonna LOVE every minute of it!!!
Happy birthday, Brayden! I hope he enjoys his special day!
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