Sunday, January 10, 2010

1 Year Announcement

I've been waiting to share this with you all until they were all mailed out, but I decided to do a one-year announcement because we never sent a birth announcement out for Brayden. He was in the NICU for 5 weeks and then when we got him home it was very difficult. He was on medication that made him totally unhappy all day, everyday. I remember several nights when he screamed ALL NIGHT LONG without sleeping at all. Thank you Reglan. That explains the major lawsuit against them now, I think.

Anyway, this is the front:

And the inside:
I know it's hard to see but this is what the inside of the card says:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13

With thankful hearts, we celebrate Brayden's first birthday. Because of his hospitalization, we never sent birth announcements. Instead, we're sending a one-year announcement with pictures from the last 12 months. We hope you enjoy them!

Thank you for your prayers and love,
Chris, Jenna and Brayden

January 13, 2009 6:10pm
7 pounds 1 ounce, 19 inches
Now, 18 pounds 5 ounces, 30 inches


The Irish Lass said...

Brayden, it's been so wonderful to see you survive and thrive, thank you for making the world a better place!

You've come a long way, baby!

Lauren said...

Just beautiful, Jenna!!! :)

Jennifer said...

How wonderful! I am also a NICU mama, I know how hard it is to leave your baby behind when they're so little. But isn't it amazing to see how far they've come when they had such a rough start?

Congratulations! I think the 1st birthday is as much a celebration for the parent's survival as it is for the B-Day kid! :)

Lianna Knight said...

SO very cute! Love it Jenna :) It was worth the wait!

Cortney said...

Great idea! I LOVE the picture in the inside

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

what a great idea! he is adorable! our 1st little guy was in the NICU for 2 weeks (he was on reglan too but we took him off it ourselves after a little while=)) I LOVE the verse you guys put in it too! It looks like he's doing great!

Summer said...

I found your blog through Jennifer's. Your little man is just precious! What a great idea for a first birthday card (celebration) Very Cute! God is good, and I am glad your Brayden is healed and healthy....

Summer :0)

Vonda Axe said...

Totally cute!!! And such a great idea!!!He will be asking for the keys to the car next?

His Doorkeeper said...

Jenna, I remember praying for Brayden when we were in the NICU with Harper! He is just precious! Aren't we happy to all be celebrating this month not only healthy babies but what the Lord has done for all our families?

Happy 1st Birthday, Brayden!!

Harper's Nonny,

Meg said...

He is adorable and I love the new room!

Christa said...

Love his 1 year announcement! He has the cutest smile!

Anonymous said...

Such a good idea and I love the card! Happy Birthday Brayden!

Todd and Courtney said...

He is so cute! And girl let me tell ya, I took Reglan to help me produce breast milk. It worked like a charm for that but it made me NUTS! I would go to sleep at like 5:30pm, not wake up until 2pm the next day, be alone for 4 days with a newborn, etc. That medicine is awful. I'm so glad you posted that there's a huge lawsuit against it so I don't feel like I was the only one that thought it was awful!

The Trendy Family said...

That is awesome!!1 My son was born in Nov. and was released from the NICU 13 days after birth and I couldn't imagine being there for 5 weeks!! Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

Kodi said...

I think this is a wonderful idea and I'm sure your family and friends will be very excited to receive it!

Maryellen said...

That is such a lovely idea for folks to see how well he is doing and how far he has come.

Stephanie said...

What a great idea!!
Love the card!! His smile on the inside picture is priceless!!
So glad to see such a happy healthy boy one year later!!

Janet said...

What a lovely idea! I have been reading your blog since Brayden was born, and its wonderful to see how he has grown and flourished! Sending warm hugs for his first birthday from South Africa!

mrstolli said...

Wow! I can't believe Brayden is almost a year old! I've really enjoyed keeping up with your blog and waching how he's grown and changed.

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