Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yesterday I did a little photoshoot with my happy boy ... I needed a new picture for something that I'll tell you about soon.

I realized when I went through my pics that I take almost every picture portrait style and for this particular shot, I needed something landscape.

A good photographer, I am not, but I did my best. And it helps when your subject is this cute little munchkin.

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

I went with photo #1 for this project. What do you think?


Leah said...

Aww such cute pics!! I am loving his little sweater and outfit!!

Kelly said...

very cute!!!

Crystal said...

They are all cute and he seems like such a happy baby!!!!

Lauren said...

Such a handsome lil man!!!!! :)

marion said...

I have a 1 year 7 months old son, and I love to dress him so much. You dress your little man very nicely. In every picture he is adorable.
May God bless you all Jenna :)

sw said...

He is sooo cute..
He looks shocked in the photos..
Does he have something to tell us..
Like.."I am going to be a big brother?"

Anonymous said...

So cute and happy!!! Yeah for happy boys! :)

kim_brough said...

I was thinking along the same lines as sw.

Kendra said...

Well it's hard to say without knowing what the project is!!!

BUT, it IS ADORABLE!! He is just so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Just read your twitter update that you aren't pregnant...darn!!! Brayden needs baby brother or sister, everyone agree?!

Lianna Knight said...

ALL of the pics are ADORABLE!! You can't go wrong with any of them :)

Summer said...

what a cutie pie!

Wendy said...

Definitely #1!!! So cute!

Sherrie said...

What a cutie! I remember when my oldest was 5-6 mo he had that huge open mouth smile on every picture I took. So fun :)

The Coach's Wife said...

Very cute!! I love that he has his mouth wide open in every one! Tooo precious!

Unknown said...

Im curious about something..
how do you get pictures in your header?

I need blogger designs for dummies lol

Megan L Hutchings said...

I love his little outfit!

What a big, happy smile :)!

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