The great
carseat search has finally come to a close. After
four long months of searching endlessly for a
carseat, we've found one that fits what is most important to us:

And judging from that pic, I'd say B's pretty thrilled to be out of his cramped infant seat. We went with the
Graco My Ride 65 because it was by far the most cushy seat we found. I looked at literally, every single
carseat on the market and for a lot of reasons this one works the best for us.
A special thanks for
Grandmom Lori for buying it! Chris' mom really wanted to get B's new
carseat for him!
Here's a view from the front seat - you can really tell it's BIG! But, it's safe, comfortable for B and has a lot of other good qualities.
If they would have had the MyRide65 out when I was buying I would have bought too. I ended up with Marathon's because I wanted one that would last height or weight and easy to install.
B looks very happy
This is the one I have been looking at for Brody!!! You like it alot??
That's the carseat we bought Brody last month. We really like it, but the main reason I bought it is because you can keep them rear-facing so long in it!
Great choice! Thats the seat we were going to buy for Lukas,but now that he is with Jesus he doesn't need one
aww he looks like he loves his new seat!
Great Seat I love it because you can do extended rear facing up to 40 pounds in it. He looks so tiny now that hes in a big boy seat.
Aww, what a sweet boy! I wish I had a car big enough for that seat. I also love that you can keep them rear facing so long in it. Good choice!
Yay!!! He looks so excited:)
SUCH a small world...went to college with several people from Colquitt and my husband's best friend is from Thomasville:) You weren't too far from us!!
you made a great choice! He looks soo happy in his new seat! I'm so glad you picked a great seat that he can stay rearfacing in for a long time! (at least 2 years and 30 pounds would be my goal) We are getting one for our other vehicle soon for my 21 pound 1 year old!
We have this one for our daughter. She loves it - and we love it! :)
Thank you Sweetheart! :)
I am glad you got the one you wanted! :) I am glad that Cutie likes it a lot too! :) I love the picture you posted!
I Love you three with ALL my heart!
BUNCHES of HUGS & KISSES to GrandMom's Cutie! :)
can't wait to see what your hair app. bring today:) Pictures!!
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