Friday, November 13, 2009

AMC's littlest fan

Last month I took a video of Brayden that I've been attempting to fix (mainly because I took half of the video sideways!) but I've given up now.

So you all know that I'm a huge closet fan of All My Children and have been since I was...3? 4 maybe?

Well, apparently, little man is too... Check out AMC's littlest fan!


alexis said...

This is so cute! I am a stay at home mom but I also run an in-home daycare and I have the hardest time getting my oldest to take naps everyday. One day I thought well if I watch my soaps she will get bored and go to sleep. Well, that didn't work and now she plays out the scenes from AMC with her barbies and has a pretend sister named kendall. LOL! Since B doesn't have barbies, just imagine the stories he will tell!! LOL!

Lauren said...

I LOVE that show. Thank goodness for soapnet which plays it at night because I miss it during the day, haha!!

Too cute!!!! :)

Robin said...

Your little man is so smart....I LOVE AMC too!

Too precious!

Lianna Knight said...

SO hilarious!!!! I bet Erica Kane would be flattered :)

Sonya said...

Too cute! I grew up watching AMC. My aunt watched us and we ate lunch at 11:30 and watched AMC at noon before naptime!

Melissa said...

That was adorable! I used to love AMC!

David Canary (Adam Chandler) lives in the town I grew up in! I used to be friends with his son and swim in their pool! I twas cool to see all the Emmys in their house! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is so cute and hilarious!!

Shelly said...

How Cute! When shelbie was little she used to crawl up on the couch with me and we'd watch it together till she fell asleep for her nap. Even now in the summer when she's out of school she still loves to watch it. lol. She's 9

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