Friday, September 4, 2009

I have a confession...

First, thank you all for your prayers for Brayden. He's doing great (kids bounce back fast!) and right now is taking a nap upstairs. I was prepared to be up all night - but nope, he went to bed at 8 and slept til 7!

OK, I have a confession.

I have confessed this to only one person (my best friend) outside of my fam.

I have a new favorite show.

Shocking, yes.

Most people would never think that I watch this show (for whatever reason).

I think it's a great show, not only because it's entertaining BUT because it takes a real family, who is not perfect, and they use their life situation as a witness to those who otherwise not ever be approached for God.

Now, I'm sure most people don't see it that way - probably because they've never watched the show...

What am I talking about?


OK, don't laugh! Have you ever watched this show? The track down the "alleged" criminals and bring them in...but not before they dig deep and help them find the cause for their actions, and do their best to help them, and most time, witness to them. They also show them praying before and after their chase.
I am hooked. It just goes to show you that there is more than one way to witness. Personally, I'm a believer in witnessing at home meaning to those around you - your neighborhood, your city, your state...etc (but of course, it's all good). Dog and his family (that's his wife, 2 sons and daughter above) witness to people that you might never talk to or get the chance to talk to, which I think is awesome.
So if you're looking for a new show, Dog's on Wednesday nights!


Anonymous said...

I watched the show once and loved it! Not a bad one to be hooked to!

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched it for awhile but we were hooked too. Our only problem was yes they did witness but at times every other word out of their mouth was bleeped because they were cusing. I am not saying people that cuss are not saved, just that I don't think it is a great testimony.

Did they get a divorce? At one point I heard that they were going too. It was really sad at their wedding Dog's daughter died the day of or the day before their wedding.

Lauren said...

This sounds so interesting, what network is it on??? :)

Courtney said...

We love to watch Dog. Its a really good show

Anonymous said...

Love that show! We've been DVRing (yep I made that word up!) it for a long time! I don't know how Beth gets around with those things.....

Mallory said...

ahahaha! this is too funny! My boyfriend LOVES this show, and is dressing up as Dog for Halloween! :) It's so funny to watch. They have marathons on every wednesday before the new episodes at 9 or 9:30..needless to say, i've seen basically every episode!

Abby said...

My husband loves that show!

Unknown said...

I'm already hooked on Dog! Love the show.

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

I love Dog. A few years ago, we were Dog & Beth for Halloween. I should find those pictures . . . .

Unknown said...

I love this show too! I think it's funny that they pray before every arrest and then during all the action they are cursing...a little twisted...they do look out for the criminals and tell them how they can fix their lives which is nice! Dog did time in a prison in my hometown - Huntsville, Texas. Small world!

Kim said...

Ha! We watched that the other week and my husband was hooked! It cracks me up!

Jennifer said...

I have watched it and always like what I seen...have a great weekend:)

Kelly’s Korner said...

We have watched Dog for years. We watch it to laugh because they are so crazy. They pray and then cuss every word. Dog says nutty things constantly but it's funny.

Mrs. Jenk said...

my husband and I are huge fans- I love me some Leland!

Andrea said...

Love it too. We watch it every week.

The Coach's Wife said...

Fabulous! I will have to check the show out! I'm into the Dog Whisperer! It's pretty fun as well!

Anonymous said...

I love the show!!! My husband and I watch it all the time. We got hooked on it in 2005 while I was in L&D with pre-term labor. They were having a marathon. Ever since we have been hooked on it!!!

Unknown said...

Dog's headquarters is right next to my grandma's church in downtown Honolulu. (We live on Oahu.)

Jessica said...

I love Dog!!! Im glad Im not the only one!

Unknown said...

my husband and i watch this show every wednesday night!! we get so cracked up when they pray at the end after they have cussed the entire show. in all honesty that is nothing to laugh about, but we can't help ourselves.

oh and how in the world does Beth walk around in those heels and her 9 inch nails kill me!!

Sara Lynn said...

I personally love this show! Dont be embarassed!

Anonymous said...

I love Dog!!! The reason I like him is just what you said. I think they have such good hearts and I like how they try to dig deep and figure out how to help people after they arrest them. That show is so entertaining. :)

Melanie said...

I like this show too! My husband makes so much fun of me for watching it too!

Anonymous said...

lol the DOG ROCKS!!!

Chelsi said...

We love Dog too! LOL! Beth's nails, boobs and heels kill me... but what the heck! No family is perfect, this is a true testimony to that!

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