Saturday, September 19, 2009

Halloween Sneak Peak

I bought a few cute onesies when I was in Tulsa at BRU and I had to share them!

For Halloween...

This one I picked up today at Wal-Mart:

Some Turkey Day cuties...

Is it wrong to call them cute when there for a boy? I sure hope not.

Don't forget to join the discussion in my BlogFrog community on holiday traditions!


Melanie said...

oh those are precious!!!

Lauren said...

Sooooo cute!!! )

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute!! I don't think it's wrong to call them cute, at least I hope not, because I say it about 100 times a day about Kaden and his clothes! I got one from Walmart too, it says "I love my mummy". So cute!!

Heather said...

VERY CUTE! I say/think all Connor's clothes are cute, so it can't be wrong!!!!
I love the Turkey ones!

Lianna Knight said...

I love these!!! So so cute!!! I can't wait to see B all dressed up for Halloween and Thanksgiving!

Christa said...

Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Love those!

alicia said...

Where did you get the turkey ones at?

Unknown said...

Oh that is so cute! I wish that kind of clothes would exist when my son was younger, unfortunately, Halloween didn't take Europe by the storm yet :)

Kristy said...

Those are so cute! I don't think it's wrong to say cute for a boy! =)

Annsterw said...


Unknown said...

Yep, very cute! Cute is OK to use, even when you are discussing little boys! From a Mom to two boys.

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