Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Calling 911

Last night we had a bad experience. One of many to come I'm sure. It's all part of being a parent I guess. We were getting Bman ready for bed. I had to take him to our pediatrician Monday to go over his test results from ACH. By the way, for those who know about thickener, we were able to switch him from Thick It to Simply Thick which means it no longer takes me 5-10 mins to make one bottle. Yay.

Anyway, back to the story. While we were at the pedi's office, I mentioned that Brayden had a dry cough at night and in the early morning. At night sometimes he would cough enough to wake himself up. He checked him out and he thinks that B's having allergies because the weather is changing. He told me to give him infant Claritin. Easy enough, right? Not so much.

It's really, really hard to thicken baby medicine (or maybe it's not, and I'm missing some sort of trick out there) and get it all back into the syringe. Finally, I thought I had it thick enough (another thing that is hard to tell in a small amount like medicine) so we gave it to him.

Brayden started choking really, really hard. Chris was holding him, and he did exactly what they taught us in the baby cpr class. He flipped him over and did the thrusting motions on his back. A few min's later, Brayden was fine and headed to bed.

But I learned something - I am not good in an emergency situation. I totally lost it and started dialing 9-1-1. Chris finally convinced me he was okay. But what if this happens when I'm alone? Maybe I'll be able to pull it together.


Janelle said...

How scary! I would have freaked out too. In fact I live across the street from a veterans hospital, and I'm pretty sure my husband would have had to restrain me to keep me from running across the street with my son screaming for a doctor's help!

Jennifer said...

Don't worry! I made Josh call the doctor once because Brody bumped his head and got a knot! Haha!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. That is scary. At least you kept your cool enough to even think about calling 9-1-1. I completely freak and somehow, the whole 9-1-1 thing goes right over my head. Until someone hollers at me to go ahead and make the call. So far, I've had to do it twice. Both times, I had to be told by a family member. Hope you don't have to experience that again.

Lauren said...

Oh my word, how scary, but soooo glad he's okay!!!!!

Heather said...

Oh how scary! So glad that he is okay and hope that it doesn't happen again!
Side note~ Thank you for your prayers! I can't believe you read my blog! *blushes*
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront

AmberKoren said...

OMG how scary!! This happened to my 3 month daughter Friday night b/c she was sick and had mucus in her throat and nose. It was so thick and causing her to gag and couldn't breathe! I freaked! Thank God for husbands that keep their cool :)

Candi said...

Well, you're not're just a mom. And I don't know any mom who wouldn't have panicked in that situation. Its better to over-react than to UNDER-react! At least now that you've seen it happen and know that you have the knowledge to take care of it, god forbid but if it ever happens again, you will be able to stay calm enough to help b before you freak out! :)

Guy and Julie said...

Oh that's so scary--I would have been the same way. I'm glad he's ok. At work, I sometimes have our nurses use Thickit instead of the Simply Thick to thicken medicine--just because you can use a tiny tiny bit, it definitely doesn't take much. It's so much easier to keep adding than it is to thin it down, as I'm sure you deal with all the time. Isn't the Simply Thick great, though??? You can even mix up a pitcher of stuff he drinks all the time and keep it in the fridge and it won't harden or thicken over time--it keeps for several days that way!!

Valerie said...

If you were home alone you would have kicked it into Super Mom mode and you would have done fine. I have had to do that to each of my kids one time. Freaked me out every time, and after it was over I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack... but in the moment I was just going through the motions of what you do in that given situation. I have no idea what thick it is, except for what you have mentioned about it, so I have no words of wisdom there. Sorry. Parenting! It is a never ending journey. (or roller coaster ride!) :)

HLB said...

I think if you were alone you would have kicked in. But because your husband was there, you weren't in control and lost it. Glad he's okay. :)

Lianna Knight said...

I was just flooded with emotions JUST reading this post. I can NOT imagine how you truly felt!!

Wendy said...

Glad he's okay - and no one would fault you for actually calling's better to be safe than sorry!!! My husband always makes fun of me for overreacting and being paranoid but your mother's intuition is usually right!!!

Adrienne said...

That would have scared me too!! Jonah kinda choked on a teething biscuit the other day and I had to do the finger swipe in the back of his throat! So scary! You wouldve handled the situation just like you needed to if you were alone, I'm sure!

Christa said...

How scary...glad Brayden is okay!!

The Allens said...

I believe you would be perfect in a crisis. It is very likely that you would have a huge breakdown AFTER the crisis when B was safe and C was home, but in the crisis you will do remarkable.

123 said...

Sorry to hear that B had a little issue! I have the opposite problem. I am completely calm during the crisis and then fall apart later. You should have seen me after Ella's ambulance ride of 2006. I was fine while all the doctoring stuff was going on, but I came completely unglued in the ladies room after we got settled at the hospital. Jay is completely calm period! I don't think I have ever seen him worked up. I think that's why God put us together.

Erin said...

That is scary. I am sure I would have done that same thing if I was in your shoes. Glad everything is ok and your husband handled it like a champ!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so glad he's ok. I probably would have freaked or passed out! This reminds me to schedule a class for us to learn about this and CPR. We were planning on doing it before we adopted, but that happened a little quicker than we expected! :)

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