Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brayden's Surgery

Today Brayden had his surgery.

Right before we left...

In his gown...

Headed back...

Post surgery. That thing on his foot is just the IV.

Everything went well and we were in and out of the hospital in about 2.5 hours, which I'm pretty sure is a record!
Thank you all for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Yay so glad to hear everythng went well!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that everything went well!

Lianna Knight said...

Thank goodness :)

Guy and Julie said...

What a big boy! I'm so glad it went well.

Pam said...

Glad to hear all went well.

tootie said...

It is so good to hear that all went well!

P.S It's both cute and heartbreaking to see him in a hospital gown!

Unknown said...

what a little pumpkin....glad everything went well.

Lea Liz said...

aww look at him in his hospital gown!!! So glad everything went well!!!

Jessica said...

Im so glad to hear everything went well. Hope he feels better soon!

Shannon said...

Im so glad everything went well!

Anonymous said...

Thank God! How did YOU do? He is so cute in that little gown!

Amanda Ledford said...

I'm so glad everything went well!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I was praying for you guys!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

The hospital gown is so cute on him. They shouldn't have to make them that small.

No soy in the YoBaby meals. Sorry!

Lauren said...

I'm glad to see everything went well :)

Hailey said...

So glad things went well. Continued thoughts and prayers!

Katie Spinks said...

so glad to hear it went well I was praying all day!

jsiewert said...

I am so glad things went well, and you are home safe and sound.

Renia Flaishans said...

Jenna, what did Brayden have surgery for?? I am happy to hear everything went well and he is back home.
Take care!!
Renia (Michigan)

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