Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big News in Our House!

TWO big things happened last night while Chris was at the game.

First, this (ignore my high pitched excitement):

And then after he crawled and I got it on video, he crawled again - this time over to his chair where he not only pulled up to his knees but ALL THE WAY to standing!

Chris is SO upset that he missed it, but at least I had the camera nearby!



Anonymous said...

The video is set to private, we can't see it!
Congrautlations Brayden, you are such a big boy!

Jenna said...

Opps! I think I fixed it!

Kim said...

So cute. He'll be walking before you know it.

Guy and Julie said...

WOW!! Bad night to go to the game :)

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

I guess he had on his football gear & was watching the game & thought - I better get with it if I'm going to play for the Razorbacks! Way to go, Brayden!

Candi said...

Aww! BIG BOY!!

Kelly’s Korner said...

Yeay Brayden!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a big boy and a big night! Wow!! He is so cute!!

beth said...

Momma's turn to do some crawling, now... as in: get down on your belly and look - *really look* - at what Big Boy B can now get to with his crawling [electrical chords, outlets/plugs, heavy vases to pull up on/pull over, etc..]

It'll take a couple of dedicated hours/days, but WELL worth it to get all those dangerous things 'secured' so he doesn't 'explore' them and get hurt.

And just think; once you've gotten your home 'crawler-proofed,' it'll be time to 'toddler-proof' it!

Never a dull moment for Moms! beth

Annsterw said...


The Irish Lass said...

Way to go for Brayden for going the extra distance and scaling uncharted heights- the South always rises! And way to go for Mommy for being able to capture the historic moment on film and having him in a really cute onesie on top of that!

Lauren said...

YAY, gooooo B!!!! :)

Mandy said...

This is so exciting!

Al's World said...

Sorry Chris missed the big moment :( Really sorry about the game. He should not be old enough to be crawling!!!! How precious!

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