I'm working on finishing our dining room and I need a china hutch. Where did you get yours, or if you don't have one, tell me about one you like.
I'd like something that is either brown wood or white that is oil rubbed...or a combo of both. My table is wood that looks like slats and my chairs are the white that is oil rubbed.
Mine is a family heirloom that's about 100 years old, it's that real heavy wood ya know, but my aunt has one just like the one in the picture you posted and she got it at a garage sale, I see ones like that all the time at garage sales. Good luck with yours.
Got ours at Hank's. My second choice was C&B. The one we got is a huge armoire--very simple. I didn't care for the look of a hutch or china cabinet for our house, so I got an armoire with all concealed storage--that way I can stack things without it being seen. And later I could always use it as a clothing armoire or even a TV cabinet if I wanted to.
I don't know if you have this outfit back there, but we got ours at Ashley Furniture. It was expensive, but oh so worth it. It's a dark, oil-rubbed look! It also has a light at the top inside so you can feature what you put in there in the evening. Oh, you will love a China Hutch!
I'm no help on this topic as I have yet to get out on my own & set up my own house. I just wanted to comment as say that I received the tungsten ring in the mail today & it's beautiful! Thanks again for hosting that giveaway!
I saw this at Dillard's the other day and thought it was so pretty. Not sure what style you're looking for but take a look: http://www.dillards.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=301&langId=-1&storeId=301&productId=501742521&N=1603972&searchUrl=%2Fendeca%2FEndecaStartServlet%3FN%3D1603972&R=02977332
We have a pottery barn outlet close by so we always check there! Our was from my in-laws...I would also check out unfinished furniture places b.c then you can it match your othe furniture!
We got our at Crate & Barrel! Love it.
Lighting Emporium and on Wed. they are going to be having a hugh sale. Good Luck!!!
Mine is a family heirloom that's about 100 years old, it's that real heavy wood ya know, but my aunt has one just like the one in the picture you posted and she got it at a garage sale, I see ones like that all the time at garage sales. Good luck with yours.
Got ours at Hank's. My second choice was C&B. The one we got is a huge armoire--very simple. I didn't care for the look of a hutch or china cabinet for our house, so I got an armoire with all concealed storage--that way I can stack things without it being seen. And later I could always use it as a clothing armoire or even a TV cabinet if I wanted to.
Value City Furniture has a great selection.
Good luck but when you get your room completed you need to take photos!
Love my china hutch from Ethan Allen.
Mine is from my grandmother, so I'm no help!
Have you looked at antique shops? They usually have pretty neat hutches in good shape (if you don't want to go "new")!
I don't know if you have this outfit back there, but we got ours at Ashley Furniture. It was expensive, but oh so worth it. It's a dark, oil-rubbed look! It also has a light at the top inside so you can feature what you put in there in the evening. Oh, you will love a China Hutch!
I'm no help on this topic as I have yet to get out on my own & set up my own house. I just wanted to comment as say that I received the tungsten ring in the mail today & it's beautiful! Thanks again for hosting that giveaway!
JcPennys has some great furniture just like that w/o the C&B prices. We got our hutch for less them 200.00 on sale!!! They run some great deals!
I saw this at Dillard's the other day and thought it was so pretty. Not sure what style you're looking for but take a look:
I made that chicken piccata that you told me about......simply delicious! We had it for dinner tonight.
We have a pottery barn outlet close by so we always check there! Our was from my in-laws...I would also check out unfinished furniture places b.c then you can it match your othe furniture!
I love the one in the picture, that is so pretty.
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