Looking for the Q and A? It's one post down!Brayden loves hanging out in the backyard with daddy.
Ok, maybe with me too but you know, the grill is the
guys territory and all.
Hanging out by the man machine aka the grill...

Cute little

His favorite backyard toy...the bench. He's fascinated with it! And for some reason he calls it Dada too.

Freshair + lots of exploring = one tired baby who will sleep in in the morning! That equals a grateful momma!
Precious! I am curious about one thing ... where did you find the walker? I have looked everywhere trying to find one for my grandson and I've been told that you can no longer purchase them due to safety issues. Not 100% sure what that is all about but I know they are pretty much obsolete around here.
I love the boys area! They look quite content hanging out by the grill together...boys and their toys. :)
Hi LStewart! I got it at Target - actually my MIL got it for us. Heres the link: http://www.target.com/Graco-Mobile-Entertainer-Walker-Jungle/dp/B000PBCG8S/sr=1-1/qid=1251234003/ref=sr_1_1/175-4490216-8019933?ie=UTF8&search-alias=tgt-index&frombrowse=0&index=target&rh=k%3Awalker&page=1
where did the family picture go that was on the top of your blog?!
AWW I love his little puma's!! so cute!
I just love his little shoes!
So cute...looks like guy time to me :)
Got to love a little man time, haha!!!! :)
my son had this when he was younger. thought you might wanna look for one for B... ;)
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