Saturday, August 15, 2009

Change of Plans

So we ended up not going bowling today after all. Instead, we decided to do some things around the house.

Chris spent hours this morning working on the garage. It looks so much better and so much more organized.

Then we went and got some paint made and did touch up painting in the house. We left so the paint could dry but when we came back it looks like it didn't totally match up! I'm not sure what we'll do!
Bubby is having a rough day. I don't know if he's (actually for real this time) teething or what. He spent most of the morning totally upset, crying and yelling. Finally he fell asleep for a nap and he's been better but still not himself. He's not running a temp or anything thankfully.
We're both exhausted! We found a park today that we might take B to tomorrow. We'll have to see!
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