Well, for example, say Mommy and Daddy bought you this cool new toy that they call the baby ipod:

You love the baby ipod. When Mommy put you in your highchair, you accidentally on purpose threw said ipod across the room. Mommy picked it up, cleaned it off and gave it back. Hmmm.
47 times later, you have figured out that anything you throw, Mommy will clean and retrieve. Mommy figured out, that one backache later, it was time to move on to a new activity.
Story of my life. That is what we do every day. ha ha ha!
My son is 19 months old and still does this with food - I'll let you know when it stops!! At least they make paci/toy wipes now!!
My nephew does this and then says, "uh oh" like it's an accident. So cute but gets old fast. ha!
Lol, too funny until one day it happens to me!
What a smart little boy you have there :) Too cute!
oh this is what we do ALL day long!
B is just working on that pitching arm, Mom. The worst is when it happens at Wal-Mart & I have to give the toy back b/c it's the only one I have. Even if I wipe it off, it still makes me shudder.
It doesn't end..... they keep doing it over and over and over and over again. Just when you think they have forgotten that FUN game... they do it again!!! LOL!
HAHA!! Yes, a fun game for B, but not so fun for mommy!!
Haha, smart little boy. He is right, if he throws it, Mama will fetch. Babies are so small and so helpless yet have so much control it is amazing!
You are a wonderful mom!
Haha, he caught on quick didn't he?? :)
Sounds like he is training Mommy to do new tricks!!
My son is almost one year. We have the same issue!
That is so funny - wait, no it's not because my daughter still does the same thing! I somtimes think that it is her favorite game!
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