Thursday, August 13, 2009

7 Months Old!

Momma's big boy is 7 months old today!

B is changing so much!
He weighs about 16 1/2 pounds and is 27 and 3/4 of an inch long.
He's still on prevacid and formula thickener.
He eats solids twice a day and takes 5 bottles per day.

This is what happens when you give him his sign to play with!

He is learning to crawl. Right now we call it the backwards scoot because he doesn't quite crawl and he only moves backwards!

We gave you your first teething biscuit a few days ago and you LOVED it!

You love it when Daddy holds you ... you always fall fast asleep!

You're still a great sleeper.
You talk CONSTANTLY. Sometimes actual words like "Hi" "Dada" or "Daddy." Most of the time you screetch very, very loudly!

You love your Grammy and GrandDaddy - especially when GrandDaddy whistles to you.
You love to stand - Mommy holds you little hands and you look so proud of yourself.
It scares you when other babies Wal-Mart, at the doctors office etc.
Momma had Star Wars on and you LOVED it.
Your favorite toy is your Cat in the Hat and your books. I think you'll be a reader like me!

Happy birthday B!


Jill said...

The first pic of him smiling is precious!

Courtney said...

Happy 7 months!

Anonymous said...

B, you're growing up so fast! It seems like just yesterday that I was praying for you to pull through and get outta that NICU! You're too cute for words!

Shari said...

Is he seven months already? The pics are precious! He is a miracle!

Brittney said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now, but never commented. Brayden is absolutely adorable! My little boy just started on Prevacid b/c of acid reflux (at 4.5 months). We're only on day 2, so I'm just praying that it helps!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

He is a little doll....

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

So cute! Happy 7 months!

Stephanie @ said...

Love that first picture! Happy 7 months :)

Todd and Courtney said...

Thats so cute that he gets scared when other babies scream. Lauren cries when other babies cry!

Lianna Knight said...

still just as precious as EVER!! Does that baby EVER not have a smile on his cute little face???

Alexis said...

Love it! Happy Birthday, little one!

Kelly said...

Happy 7 months old Brayden!!!!!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Happy 7 months, Brayden. Hurry up & get that front crawl down - Mommy won't know what hit her!!

Kendra said...

He looks SOOOO happy in that first picture!!!

Lucy and Ethel said...

What a cute little guy!

Don't blink, though. Before you know it, he'll be 7, then 17!!!

It goes WAY too fast. Well, okay, sometimes it seems to drag on... like when they bicker constantly with their siblings....



Melissa said...

what a big boy! he shares a bday with my hubby :)

Meg said...

Happy monthaday sweet boy! He is so freaking cute. It seems like you just brought him home from the NICU yesterday!

Lauren said...

He is such a cutie and getting SO big!!!!

Katie Spinks said...

what a cutie!! happy birthday B

Anonymous said...

Happy 7 months B! He looks so happy!

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