This was going to be called a tale of two
foods but then I googled and google said that green beans are actually, botanically here goes...
We started B on peaches. And,
miraculously, he learned a new word almost immediately. The word? MORE. Because when Mommy asks "More?" his mouth
unhinges for lack of a better word.
Exhibit A:

Smiles for peaches!

Ah yes. A very happy boy indeed.

Even happier, perhaps, when the cat is standing guard.

So we thought we'd press our luck and give green beans a shot tonight (
fyi, we didn't start him on two new foods in the same day...the peaches were 2 days ago).
Someone thinks he's getting peaches...or possibly pears, which incidentally, he also loves.
pardon moi but these peaches have gone bad.

No! I've been tricked!

Somebody GO GET MY PEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more!

Don't tell B, but I've devised a plan of action...tomorrow we alternate! A bite of peaches...ohhhh yum, then sneak in the green beans! I don't want an orange baby!
My daughter didnt like foods too, but what worked for us was mixing a little of each in the same spoonful. After she started eating what she didnt like that way I would add more and more to each spoonful. I hope you find something that works! Your family is precious!
Awww! That wrinkled up face is just precious! What a cutie pie. :)
That face is pitiful. But I guess if I thought I was getting peaches & ended up with green beans, I'd look pretty pitiful too :-). I'm glad we got together for lunch!
I was also going to suggest mixing the foods together on one spoon.
Might be worth a shot.
LOL I love these pics! He is one happy baby (when not being fed green beans) :)
These pictures are sooo cute!
Cute pics...can't say that I blame him on the green beans haha!
So hilarious!!! I am literally laughing out loud over here :)
Nummy and Icky- Can I suggest something...take photos of him in his highchair. I didn't with Brandon and I wish once a week I took a photo to see how he fits the chair and grows into it. I was excited when he passed the orange spot of the chair...something fun to see growth on. Thanks for sharing with us.
What a handsome little guy!
Wasn't Legally Blonde cute!? I was amazed at all the pink in the audience. Apparently I didn't get the memo. ; )
We just looked up the Duggars in the phone book. I didn't think it could be that easy. ; )
Good luck with all those new foods!
So funny! Brody was the same way about green veggies. Don't worry! He was orange for months! Alternating worked for a few times for us but then he figured it out. What I did was scoop green veggie on the spoon first, then scoop fruit over it. The taste was probably terrible but it tricked him enough to get a little green in his body! :)
That is hilarious!! Neither of my kids liked green beans...they loved peas =)!!
That picture made me LOL!!!
Oh thank you for making me remember thoes fun day. Ha. Saying hi from BlogFrog Leader Community.
PS your cat cracked me up.
lol I love the faces and the cat on guard
I always started peas and green beans first. If you can get them to like those, you know they will like EVERYTHING!!
Your new blog look is great! Too cute!
Brayden is adorable with those peaches and green beans. :)
Even though he was unhappy about those green beans, the expression on his face is precious!! He's getting so big, Jenna! What a handsome little man!
Oh wow! You captured that moment perfectly! How funny!!
My son no matter what I tried with green beans he would spit them out. I alternated he spit, I mixed he swished it around in his mouth and always spit out the green beans. He's 3 and still a green bean doesn't make it within arms reach of his mouth.
Those pics are TOO cute! Love them!
That is too cute. Your little boy is adorable. I love the pictures of the progression of the green beans.
Love it!!!! Such a cutie!
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