So, yes, these were taken
ahem three months ago but I am just now posting them. Oppsies.
We asked
Scott, an amazing local photographer to take some pics for us. If you're local, you've got to check him out - click on his name to go to his site!
The fam:

The smaller version of the fam:
Bubs on Daddy's bear rug we got in Jackson Hole:
Bubs on his own personal baby bear rug:
We used this last one for baby dedication at church (they showed it on the big screens with his stats). They turned out so well!
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyy worddddddd, ADORABLE!!! :)
So precious!! I love that last pic...his eyes are so adorably blue :)
So sweet!
That last one is so freaking cute! I bet everyone at your church loved seeing it.
Great pics! That one with the bear--whoa! That'll be his favorite when he is older! :)
Gosh--how cute! I love his eyes! :)
Oh I love the pictures, Jenna! They are awesome! He is adorable!
Hi Jenna! I just came accross your blog and I am blown away....we have a few things in common lol. hubby and I have been trying to concieve for 3 yrs now. We've been at peace for the most part but some days you just can't help but to notice your empty womb and those have been the times when I've cried out to the Lord leaving it all at the cross. We know that God has our miracles babies and will bless us with their presence one day. Reading your story gives me so much hope:*) It's really ministered to me to see that God can do it and He will do it...we just need to be patient:D
I also noticed that your baby boy and I share birthdays lol. Yes I was born Jan. 13 too:D I only know of two other people with my birthday. We love reality shows too but certain ones such as Amazing Race, Hell's Kitchen, America's Got Talent even American Idol and really enjoyed watching American Galdiator oh and my hubby really likes the Office lol.
I just want to say that I am so happy to know that you had also had God and Jesus Christ to come to on your journey to concieve. I can't imagine doing it without my Lord. Where do people without God find the strength to continue? I know that God is the one carrying me through this. the pictures...wish this photographer would come to Fresno, CA..we need pics:D
Hugs, Susan
Sooooo precious!! I love them all!!!!
The bear picture if the funniest thing ever! I love it!! So cute!
Those pictures turned out SO great! I love that last's just precious!
awww soooo adorable
Great pictures! I like them all!
B on the bear rug.... ADORABLE!
The next to last picture is frighteningly cute. :)
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