He snatched it:
B's first cake! It says "Happy 6 Months Brayden!"
Mommy let me have some frosting! It's the best thing EVER!
I found GrandDaddys shoelaces very interesting:
- He's a rolling fool.
- He talks CONSTANTLY.
- He takes 5 bottles a day...about 150-170 mil's each - still 24 calories.
- He's almost ready to crawl. He swims. On land.
- He sits unsupported for several minutes - the longest was about 15 min's.
- He has continued to sleep through the night (for the last 3 months) UNTIL last night. I have no idea why but we were up almost all night.
- He loves the cats. He pets them and watches wherever they go.
- He is still in love with Mr. Fan.
- Monkeys? Oh yes. He still loves those too.
- When Grammy and GrandDaddy watched him the other night they said he said "Hi."
- When Grammy and GrandDaddy watched him the other night they said he said "Hi."
More to come I'm sure...
Happy (half) Birthday Brayden!!
So cute!!! Those cheeks are just so adorable!!
LOVE the pics of B! Happy 1/2 year Bday Brayden and many more!!!
I love his face after the icing. Priceless.
Happy 6 months little guy!! He is so adorable!
I love his smile! So precious! Happy 6 months!
happy 6 month brayden! I love the cake. It's so cute! He is about to be on the move. Just get ready!
Too cute! When my daughter turned 6 months I made her half a cake...literally it was a round cake with one side missing...but yours is way cuter!
Happy 6 months B!
Happy 6 months to Brayden! I've been reading your blog since he was born and he is getting so big!
So cute!!
Happy 6 months to Brayden!!! He is adorable as he can be, Jenna!!! What a precious smile!!
Super cute cake!! He is getting so big!
Happy 6 month birthday litte man! He might be having a growth spurt. Both mine slept worse when going through one.
these pictures are TOO cute! he is getting such a sweet personality and I love how he's grown!
Awww, so sweet! He is getting SO big!!! :)
What a cute boy!! Happy half Birthday little guy!
So what are your thoughts on Bachelorette this week?? I was okay with it. It was Reids own fault in my opinion. He really should have opened up more. She gave him MANY chances. He opened up to the camera man. :) Why not Jillian. I do love both Ed and Kipton though. This may be the first time ever that I don't care who wins. I think Ed may be a little more ready for marriage but Kipton could get there.
ha ha. Sorry! But now you know my thoughts on the ever important topic. :)
Happy 1/2 Birthday!!
I am an only child so I somehow talked my mom into actually celebrating my 1/2 birthday every year! lol I told her since she only had one kid that we could celebrate twice a year!
She still calls me on my 1/2 birthday every year!
He is just adorable and getting so big!!
Happy 1/2 birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Happy half birthday little Man!
The little boy I watch is 21 months old and he loves kitties so much that the first thing he ever said was "nice kitty."
He has gotten so big! He is adorable.
Hi, I'm from the BlogFrog! What a cute little guy you've got there!
He is precious!!! He will be moving soon, you will have a hard time keeping up with him! I have 4 month old twins (boy and girl) and I cannot to see what they are up to at 6 months old. He is a doll! What a blessing!
Adorable pictures! What a cutie! Very yummy looking cake too!
HE is so cute
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