Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big Time Grocery Shopper

Today we put B in the grocery cart for the first time. Now, I never used to be a germaphobe but now I am an out and out germ FREAK. Thank you ACH for converting me! JK. But anyway, that is why I have B's shopping cart protector thing...which only took 15 minutes to install. Good thing Chris was with me!

He sat in the cart for about 25 minutes before he was sick and tired of it. Good thing Daddy brought him chest carrier. We switched him into that and he was happy.
I'll probably post the giveaway tonight or tomorrow if I have time. I attempted to take a picture of the item this morning with my phone but it just didn't come out good enough. Oh, and a major WOOHOO - I finally got my laptop back from Best(ahem, WORST) Buy.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I would definitely use one of those too!

The Dorns said...

I cant wait till Landon can sit up and I can get some shopping done. His Chico infant seat doesnt fit on carts.

I soooooooooo agree with you Best Buy we hate them also.

Lea Liz said...

I have a cart protector too don't worry!!!!!!!!

Meg said...

I love the cart protectors. You don't know whose hands who have been God only knows where was touching that cart right before you came into the store. Your a Mama, protect your baby. :)

The Coach's Wife said...

That is so precious! My sis and law uses the cart protector! Wonderful invention!!!

WaitingandHoping said...

Brayden is SOOOO cute! I think he looks like his mommy!

Those cart cushion things are very neat...although I don't see anyone in my area use them, and believe me, there are lots of babies around here. I will definitely use one (hopefully--someday!)!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna I just saw your comment & I currently don't have a hospital job...I babysit my cousins (2&6) while I'm out this summer (it's my last summer of college before I have to get a real job haha.) I remember when Brayden was at ACH...I've been reading your blog since before he was born when I found you through Kelly's Korner. I wasn't there doing clinicals at the time when ya'll were, but I did do my Pediatrics rotation there from March-May. It's a great hospital!

Mrs. Pierce said...

thank you for your sweet comment. i am so happy that your little boy has made such a great come back from his earlier days in the NICU. he looks happy and healthy, and you all make a great looking family!!

Iva Messy said...

I LOVE those!!

Happy 4th of July!


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