Now, there will be an Octomom Musical. Read the article HERE. Tell me what you think about it...
Well, now that that's out of the way...
On to more important subjects. Like the fact that I do not know how to work this...

This is it. I think. If memory serves, then that's what it looks like. It is just in the other room, but I'm quite comfy where I'm at and I think I'll pass on the idea of getting up to hunt it down.
So, there are lots of knobs on it. With numbers. And symbols. Oh and some funny shaped letter things. No idea what any of it means and because my husband seems to be a believer in the manuals are for wimps idea...well, you can see why I don't know how to work the thing.
Here's what I can do...turn it on. Point and shoot. Take a movie. Review pics. Upload pics.
That is all fine and good but I am fairly sure that those symbols, numbers and funny shaped letter thingys must mean something about the quality of the picture I am taking. Any thoughts? Perhaps you can de-mystify the funny shaped letters?
I took my 'fancy' camera back because I couldn't figure it out. Stupid I know, but I just kept using my point and shoot anyway! Love the new blog looks! Brayden is getting so big! And always cute!
Jenna, where are you getting your blog layouts? They are beautiful, this one especially.
Ummm Octomom the Musical!?!?!? I'm scared an a little disturbed... yeah
As far as the camera goes I've got a point and shoot that has some fancy features that I've never figured out so I'm no help there. Good luck!
I soooo love your new blog look :O)
Parents magazine in May (I think) demystified the pictures and letters. One is a motion one that you are supposed to use with babies. Is there a picture of a dog? I think that's the motion one...
I'm in the same boat with my camera - and now I've got some things showing up on my screen that I don't know what they are, how they got there or how to get them off now!! HELP ME!! Anyway, if you figure out yours let me know how! :-)
I'm not even going to bother reading the article but even so, I'm certain that's the dumbest idea I've heard all week.
I love the new picture of Brayden !! It was great to read about your visit with Kelly too. I found your blog through hers when both babies were in NICU and I prayed for both of them and all of you. It makes me happy to read of their progress and see photos of how they are growing. Give little Brayden a hug for me please and you continue to be the great Mother that you are.
Linda G.
I am in the same boat as Kim. I am not even going to read the article, I am scared enough already.
Anyways, about your camera. I have a Canon Digital Rebel and love it! Search for a basic camera tutorial and that should be plenty to get you started. It should talk about shutter times and F stops and then be on your way playing! Playing really is the only way to learn!!
I have this same camera and I have NO idea how to work it either. It does take AWESOME pictures and from what I've read, pros use it as a standby camera.
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