Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mr. Sit-em-upper

Bubby learned a new trick...

I call him my big sitemupperman! He can sit without falling over to the side for 30 seconds to a minute now! Last night he was in the mood for a book...he was so enthralled I didn't bother to turn it around for him!

And here he is playing on his back. Just too cute for words!

He looked longer to me so I measured him but he's still 25". He's still weighing around 14lb 5oz probably because he is so active! He practically lives in his jumperoo when were at home! He adores it!


Meg said...

Look at that big guy sitting up. In that last picture, he looks like a little chunk! 14.5oz, says who?!?!

:) He is adorable.

Kelly said...

Oh - what a big boy!!!! That's so exciting that he is sitting up!
I can't wait to see ya'll tomorrow!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Mr. Brayden's world is going to get so much more interesting now that he can sit up! How exciting. Wells loves that book, by the way!

Pam said...

His little cheeks are so adorable! You will blink and he will be walking.

The Thornton Family said...

Look at those legs!!! How do you keep from just eating them up?!?!?!

Stacey in Missippi

kim_brough said...

How come his chunky monkey legs are stinking adorable yet mine?... not so much.

He's a cutie!

Kendra said...


Juls said...

What a doll....look at those chunky thighs!!

Anonymous said...

He's such a cutie!!!

Rachel Dominguez said...

man is he growing up so fast right in front of our eyes.

Lianna Knight said...

I just want to squeeze his adorable cheeks!!! Too cute!

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