Here is a picture of Chris and his boy on fathers day! I've been meaning to share that, but I didn't know how to upload pics on our new home pc. I finally figured it out though!
For those that asked about the Jon and Kate divorce papers that said they've been living apart for two years...Here is what I know. TMZ said that Kate checked both boxes... that they've been apart two years and that their marriage was broken beyond repair. That way if Jon disagreed that it was broken, they wouldn't have to wait 2 years to be granted a divorce because she is claiming they've been apart that two years already. Being apart just has to mean that they've maintained separate bedrooms, not separate homes. And, she would have to be able to prove it. HTH!
I love the new mantle look. The whole Jon and Kate thing makes me so sad for the 8 angels. Life just isn't fair!
Oh my goodness!!! The mantle turned out awesome and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics!!!! :)
The pictures look great! Can you get some close up photos of them for the blog?
Love your mantle and the pictures! So cute! And I hope that Jon and Kate haven't been seperated for two years or it was all a sham!
OK, first, I think the mantle looks great! I LOVE going around the house looking at pictures of our little one--I think photos make the best decoration! Second, I just read all the previous comments on Jon and Kate and was shocked at how many people place so much blame on Kate. I am not an avid watcher, but in the episodes that I have watched she did seem very rigid and in control. However, I thought that Jon always looked so disconnected and uninvolved. Plus, the woman has EIGHT children and I think if I were in that situation, I would probably have some unpleasant days that I didn't want caught on camera too!! I just think it is crazy that he gets caught cheating and so many married women are like, "Well, she was kind of a know"....did I miss the vows that said, "forever, unless she becomes a bit of a know"???! I don't mean to rant I just felt like someone needed to stand up for her because she is judged so harshly. I agree with so many posts that said that life is choices and they chose to get married young, they chose to take drastic measures to get pregnant early in life, etc...when you have kids (1 or 8) you have to invest in the marriage because it is in the "best interest" of the children. Ok, my rant is over. Sorry--didn't realize I had so many feelings about this. Haha! Must be the pregnancy hormones??
I LOVE the mantle! I may have to look at HL for some apothecary jars- those are awesome!
Love the pics, too!
Love the mantle--the pictures are great! And I am cracking up at how up you are on the latest entertainment goodies. Had fun at lunch today--but now I'm so full I'm totally worthless!
The mantle looks great! I am constantly trying to figure out a way to hang more pictures of the boys or find more places for picture frames. It seems like we have picture frames EVERYWHERE! Those pictures of him are too cute!
Your mantle looks great, so do those pictures! They turned out fabulous.
Your mantle makeover looks great!
SOOOO good!! I LOVE them all, but especially the one on the far right! Those eyes are gorgeous!!!
The mantle looks awesome. Love the pictures.
I can't decide what to think about Jon and Kate. After watching for so long I assumed he was tired of her controlling ways then to watch him on Monday, he has checked out of that relationship. Did you hear KLRC talking about it. Someone suggested that their family and friends do an intervention to show them they care about their marriage. KLRC also suggested we all pray for them.
It is so sad for those babies!!! They will be the ones that suffer.
Love apothecary jars! Love HL! And I love the new mantle and all of the pics! He's so cute!
LOVE the mantle -the pictures are great! I'm really sad about Jon and Kate too. I was watching a clip from their vow renewal last summer and it makes me sick. If they say they were separated 2 years ago, that means all of us believed this lie. Makes me mad! This is the worst thing they can do to their children.
Oh, and I I just noticed we both got the same card for Father's Day {from the kids!} Gotta love Hallmark! =)
I love your mantle. The pictures are wonderful! I am curious. What size are your pictures? I would like to do the same (I am a horrible decorater) but I can copy people quite well! ha! Thanks so much for sharing.
They turned out great! I too love them all but the last one is my fav. what a good lookin guy you have!
LOVE the mantel, and I completely agree Hobby Lobby is AWESOME:) Going there this weekend to make my daughter a ballet bag- or attempt one.
As far as the Jon and Kate deal- thanks for the clarification. I got my People mag. today, looking forward to reading the articles!
I love your mantle. I have been looking for those apothecary jars, love them. Thanks, I'll be visiting Hobby Lobby soon!
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