Did you watch last nights episode? I nearly cried. I was so sad. I actually was starting to feel over the last couple episodes that Kate had turned a corner and was making a sincere effort. I think Jon had just had enough. He wouldn't give her an opportunity.

I think the way they want to handle the situation, by alternating who lives in the house with the kids is interesting. I've never heard of that before. Of course, if down the line one or both of them remarry I don't really see that situation continuing to work out.
Chris actually watched the episode with me, and the only comment he made was "Looks like Jon's going through a mid-life crisis." I agree...everything about him seems to have changed. The way he dresses, speaks, his anger etc.
So, did you watch? What are your thoughts?
I don't watch, so I've lived vicariously through your blog and tidbits here and there. I am really confused. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago that you were blogging about the season premier and today you are talking about the season finale? Were there only four episodes this season?
It seems a little off to me that they are doing all of this on their show. Is there any chance that the drama is for ratings?
It seriously was no shock to me, the whole situation is just sad really and even more so because there are 8 kids involved!
I totally agree. Jon is what only 32 and was married and had a boat load of children way young and hasn't really been able to just live (since Kate can be a little... you know-but I totally agree I think she was trying) I'm really praying he'll take this time and hopefully see what he's missing (maybe watch some of his and Kate's early videos where they were discustingly cute and in love) and come back home. I'm really disappointed though that they didn't even attempt counseling and work at but I understand his anger but as Christians, which they claim to be, you would hope they would put some effort into saving the marriage. They kept saying they're doing it for the kids, etc. But is divorce best for them? Also so often these days kids come first when the bible clearly says our marriage should come first. I just hoping and prayingthey can work things out. Glad you're talking about it, I needed to get that all of my chest to someone. : )
I completely agree with your thoughts. I knew the divorce was coming, but I agree, Kate seemed to be giving an effort. (however, I guess we don't see the "behind the scenes") I am so sad for those kids. I think Jon is thinking that he's only 32 and he wants some of his freedom back. Poor kids.
Did they attempt any sort of counseling, or did they just give up?
I did not watch,but am so saddened with this news.I know,I don't know them personally.But,I do know the pain and heartache of a marriage not working.No,I have never been divorced,but that was only by the grace of God,and a lot of hard work on both our parts to make it work.Divorce was not an option for us,because,we are called by God to work at our marriage,and divorce is not best for kids.Any counselor,or pastor will tell you that (I mean,unless abuse is involved,but that is not the case with Jon and Kate).I was married young,have four kids at age 25,and would not change a thing.Life is about choices,you can choose to love someone,or not,you can choose to have a family or not.They both chose what they have,and I feel like they are making a poor choice to just give up.I am praying for them,praying that God would reveal himself to them in a very real way.And praying that they have a christian community and family to rally around them to help them out of the pit.Thanks for letting me share my thoughts,and glad I am not the only one who is saddened by this.Blessings to you Jenna!
Jon's comment last night about being 32 and excited for what's next was a little rude but it seems that he had already moved on at that point. I think you are definitely correct about Kate trying to "change" recently but it was obviously too late. Neither are perfect and are both to blame. But I think its the best situation for the kids at this point because maybe now the paparazzi will stop being so obsessed with them and they can live a semi-normal life again.
Although this didn't come as a shock to me, I still found myself crying at the end! I guess what bothers me is that not ONCE did I hear either of them say they were going to do ANYTHING to make it work! I am not obviously with them day to day, so I don't know what measures they have taken to try to save their marriage, but wouldn't you at least want to TRY? I feel terrible for their children because I think they will resent BOTH of their parents for doing this on television. I think Jon has had enough(I cannot blame him) but it seems just when he has had enough, I am seeing a more emotional and maybe even remorseful side of Kate! I think they should NOT continue the show because really there is NOO JON AND KATE PLUS 8
We were discussing this at work yesterday and I said the show name would be changed to your post title! I do think that Kate genuinely wanted to work things out and that Jon is going through a mid-life crisis and just wants out. My heart breaks for those children. I was glad to see Kate say that she was sick of acting happy - I thought in previous episodes this season she was incredibly fake and came across as this stuff not bothering her. It was nice to see a more emotional side to it. I think it's so sad they couldn't work it out. I do think Kate was willing to try but it sounded like Jon wouldn't even try. I think they've both messed up and are both to blame, but these things can be worked out - you just have to be willing to try. I hope things can calm down for their family and that the media will let them cope with this in private.
I haven't been able to watch the past few episodes just because it was so painful to watch Jon & Kate avoiding each other and not interacting with each other even when they were in the same room! I think it is sad that they (Jon) is giving up his marriage without a fight. She seems like she wants to stay and try to work things out, but Jon is more interested in "hanging out with his friends". I know Kate hasn't always been the nicest to him but he made a promise to her for better or worse not only once but the 2nd time in front of his children! I feel so sad that this is the way that things have to end for such a great family.
My husband and I had the opportunity to participate in a Love and Respect conference a few months ago. I think Jon is tired of being disrespected, cause lets face it he is on national TV on a regular basis. He couldn't find respect at home so he's getting out. Its sad.
I did watch, and I was so sad after.
First of all, it bothered me that Jon said he was "excited and nervous" about this new phase...excited???? Ouch. And where does he get off using the excuse of never getting to be young? They used fertility treatments, that is a choice, a plan, a determination to get pregnant. These were life steps he CHOSE, not that just happened to him.
But I also was bothered by how difficult Kate is! She was so victimized about trying to do "what's best for her kids" regarding those crooked houses, but where had she been in the DAYS before when Jon was getting ready to put them in the forest?? She waits until the morning they are being delivered to get involved and then tells everyone what a reactionary Jon is with a hot temper.
And lastly, it bothered me the way Jon said this whole thing was "a shame" and Kate said some things along those lines. It's like they are acting like this is just happening TO them, and it's completely unavoidable. What about seeing a counselor? Something to at least TRY!!!
Ugh. The whole thing just bothers me.
I think John has had enough. Kate doesn't treat him that well and he's tired of being in the limelight. He didn't intend for the show to go this far and he is sick of the people constantly following him around. I see his point over hers. She has always said 'her children' is her life, etc. She has never said that about John. It's supposed to be spouse first then the children.
I can definitely see the mid life crisis thing .. I mean the earrings he was wearing? And after watching how he acted when he was with the OCC guys .. I think Kate honestly doesn't want these things to be happening, but he just seems sick of everything and like he just wants away from it all and from her. It's really sad for them, and even more so for their kids. :(
I kept telling myself not to watch and of course, still watched. Jon has checked out, he is dressing like the 20 year olds that he's dating. I couldn't even sleep afterwards...was extremely sad. I'm praying God softens their hearts and they eventually work it out. I only know it's possible because my husband and I did it...even after divorce.
I was just sad watching it. I don't feel sorry for Jon. The things he says just show that he really has checked out. I think Kate has pretty much been the same throughout the whole show, even though she can be abrasive. I also thought it was funny that both were adamant that the show would continue, even Jon who wanted out awhile back. I'm sad that they didn't both really try to do something like counseling or such to try and work it out. I also think it was correct when they (Kate) said that it would have happened with or without the cameras. I think that's true because they didn't have much of media circus until recently. I had really hoped that they were announcing that the show was ending.
I was so sad. I wish it were different, I have heard of the way they are sharing the kids being done before. I think that is a great idea for the kids.
I think they are both going through some crisis, such as Jon's earrings, and Kate's boobs, but I just wish they could make it work. Maybe after all this settles they will try marriage counseling or something. If not for them then for their beautiful children.
I think the whole thing is very sad. Especially for their eight kids. At first I completely sided with Jon but I am starting to feel a little more empathy for Kate. She said she didnt want to do this on her own, and who would?! She has EIGHT kids! Unfortunately I dont see a man eager to be an instant stepdad to eight kids! So I feel sorry for her. But I dont understand that if this has been going on for eight months or so, why did they not immediately put the show on hold, try to get counseling or help and attempt to work their marriage out?! If they want whats best for their kids it would be to not have a reality television show that broadcasts their divorce on national television! The whole thing is sad and I really dont think I will be watching it anymore!
I don't feel sorry for either one of them and definitely question Kate's remorse. They brought this upon themselves because of their greed and selfishness. I DO feel sorry for the children and think it is horrible that their parents and TLC cannot see past the dollar signs. That show needs to be cancelled so that those children can live their lives and deal with this traumatic event in private. I have already emailed TLC to tell them excatly that. I hope millions of others will as well.
As for the house arrangement, I have actually heard of it before and think it would be in these childrens' best interest to work it out that way....at least for now.
Although none of it came as a shock to me as I am way to caught up in reading all the tabloids on it, what did shock me was Jon's earrings... we can definitely say mid-life crisis there. I hope their kids get through all of this though...
I was so sad when I watched. I agree, it seemed like Kate was trying to give it a chance but Jon was just done! I guess that's what happens in a lot of relationships. It appears as if he was the one that started all this so I am sure he has been dealing with it being "over" far longer than Kate and he has adjusted. It was sick to watch though, he was almost excited about his marriage being over! I wonder if they went to counseling!
I was SOOO heartbroken as I was watching. I was screaming at Jon some and screaming at Kate some too. Jon because he was just so closed down. So bitter and angry. And what was UP with those earrings? Crazy!
I was screaming at Kate because she kept saying her kids have ALWAYS come first and ALWAYS will. She was saying it like that was the right thing to do. I couldn't help but wonder if they would be in the same place they are if she had put her husband first.
I was hoping so bad they were going to say they were stopping their show and getting counseling. I was shocked that counseling wasn't even brought up. I'm just SO sad.....
Oh yes, I do watch. I just loved that show from the get go. I'm sad over the divorce. Sad for the kids. However, last night I found that I was sad for Kate too. Yes, I realize she is an, err, something else...That being said, she is showing emotion. Tears, a broken voice and speaking softly. Jon, well he was just plain rude. Making comments how he is only 32 and is looking forward to the next chapter in his life. Sounds like he just threw in the towel on his family.
I was sad to see they never sought out any type of counseling. No insight from their church..nothing. That's it. It's over. I really had hoped they would seek some help and at least put in effort for the sake of the kids.
I can't blame Kate for filing for divorce though. I think it gets to a point where, enough is just that. Enough.
I think he looks drugged out/drunk all the time--face flushed, slurred speech, half awake. Kinda scary!!
I missed it :( I hope I can find it somewhere and catch up!!!
I did watch and I am thinking along the same lines as your husband. Jon was so young when they got married and had all of their children. I just wonder if her is having a personal crisis of some sort. And he made a good point - he had pretty much let Kate rule the roost all these years and he finally stood up to her.
It is sad no matter how you look at it. The children are the ones that really lose out here.
Ok. I have to admit that Kate can be a little bit harsh at times, but at least she cares. Jon doesn't seem to actually care about anything related to his family. All he wants to do is live in Trump Place, ride his ATV, and go to parties with young women. Those earrings...Wow. I am glad that the filming has been halted. I don't think I can watch anymore.
I agree with your DH about Jon is going though a med-life crisis. I think the whole situation is REALLY sad. I hope they can talk and make things work either married or not.
Lisa :)
Watched and was sad. They kept saying over and over how this was the best for the kids ... I bet if they asked them they would disagree. Perhaps the best would have been to take out the cameras a long time ago. It appears that they have placed a higher priority on what they have and the opportunities they have than about the life they are living. I was sad when Jon said he was excited about the future ... what part is he excited about? The part where he splits apart his family or devestates his children? I am praying for reconciliation because over the years we have come to really love those kids ... I would snitch Aiden in a heartbeat!
I agree. Mid-life crisis at 32! I just think he is doing the typical thing that some people who marry and have kids young do. See their friends still out living a single care-free life while they are stressed about being a parent etc. It's so sad. When did he change his mind about marriage being forever? I bet if he would watch the vow-renewal episode he would not even recognize himself.
While I think Jon is having some sort of "lost time" identity crisis...I can't help but feel like Kate is being insincere and completely fakey (and can we also mention HER identity crisis with the makeover and tummy tuck???). To me, neither have seemed like they care and both have checked out. For the kids, I feel that's probably best for them to part ways. I come from a divorced household and I can't tell you how sick I was of hearing fighting and name calling. And I think Jon said it best when he said, "we bought the house for THEM". There's two adults and 8 kids!! Can you imagine juggling 8 kids house to house?? YIKES!!
And to be honest, I think the TV show was the start to their fall. I'll admit, I love it. But I don't blame Jon for feeling some anger to Kate for mistreating him on TV (and I know we all talk to our spouse wrong at times-just maybe not so harsh).
I do feel like Kate was starting to make an effort too but I just can't forget the millions of times she embarassed him - at the toy store, at home, etc. She just barked orders non-stop. I just hate that all of this is on TV. One day those kids will google their parents....it's sad
I thought the exact same thing about Jon. Its like he regrets not living it up in his early 20s and is trying to be a carefree kid again. Seriously where did those earrings come from? It's just sad. You know they used to talk about going to church and being Christians and it's really sad that it seems as if they haven't focused on that...but insead the paparazzi.
I feel the same way...I did cry..So sad!
I feel like Jon is have a mid life crisis, like your husband said. I understand that he is only 32 but he has eight kids to think about. I know that Kate is controlling but she has been that way since the first day she was on TV. Jon should have voiced his opinions before now, when the kids are 8 and 5. I hate it for the kids and hope that both Jon and Kate will continue to think of their children and what is best for them.
We noticed the changes in Jon too. Younger clothes, earrings, etc. Interesting.
I agree about Kate and even on Jon acting out i mean his skull shirt and earings
All I'm saying is that if my spouse talked to me the way Kate always talked to Jon, I'd probably leave too. The sad thing is that now the kids will fit in with all the other kids' in their class who have divorced parents.
As with all "celebrities", I think there is a multitude that goes on withOUT cameras rolling that we will never know about. And we shouldn't.
I watched and I almost cried. My husband watched it with me and all he said was, this is the saddest thing I have ever seen. My oldest and the sixtuplets are the same age and Kate and Jon have been married the same amount of time we have, so we both promised ourselves things so that this would never happen to us.
I think Jon is going through a mid-life crisis as well because he was never given a chance to just be. He was married at 23, and by 28 had 6 kids. He was passive aggressive and never stood up and had a say in anything, and instead of trying to do something about it, he just wanted out to live his own life. Did you hear what he said, I finally stood on my own two feet and I am proud of myself. I don't think he cares what is actions are doing, he is just excited about living his life.
Kate is just mad and aghast that someone is actually standing up to her and is trying to come off as a martyr, but she has been wearing the pants too long and not allowing her husband to be the leader of the home. She also said she does everything for the kids, but sometimes I wonder...I feel sorry for her because I think she realizes she screwed up, but Jon has had enough.
I never think divorce is the answer, I do pray for them because they are God's children and I God never sees divorce as an answer. I hope that their relationship can be redeemed and they go back to their values and morals they know to be true.
Jon acts like a dog who has finally been let off his leash. Almost giddy. It's weird and I agree seems like a midlife crisis (a little early). I guess everyone has their breaking point? I found the episode really sad too and now Kate just annoys me with everything she says.
YES I watched and I cried- it was just so sad for everyone involved. I realize Kate has come across as "mean" in past episodes but Jon came across as the jerk in this episode! Yes he married young, yes he had kids young etc... however he made those choices himself (now I realize that they never expected 8 kids but you deal with it); so no I don't pitty him at all. I feel the same way like he is having a midlife crisis- he is excited about the new chapter in his life? What is up with that?? And I don't know if they have tried it but it was never mentioned have they heard of marriage counseling???? I did pick up on the comment that Kate said that Jon won't even talk so maybe he wasn't interested. Those poor kids, I can't help but worry about them and how this will effect all of them for the rest of their lives. Should be an interesting arrangement as far as living situation and holidays etc...
I did see in our paper today where it said that in legal papers Kate filled on Monday that they having been living seperate/ apart for 2 years!? What is up with that??? OH I just don't know anymore! SO sad:(
My husband said the same thing that yours did and I had to agree with him!
I was very sad tho bc I felt as tho Kate wanted to try and Jon is just so over it all. I actually felt bad for Kate for one.
I just hate this for the kids...
Did you hear that Jon has lived somewhere else for 2 years now. That they haven't been together for that long and were just hiding it. I think that is why it looks like they've given up to quickly because they haven't been together for a long time.
one more thing...I thought it was sad that TLC put the hold on the show and it wasn't Jon or Kate that took the break from TV. Isn't that sad? that would be automatic for me since I would want some time away from the cameras for my children's sake.
I do think Jon needs to grow up, going out to all these places, smoking, ear piercings, your not in your 20's anymore. you have kids to raise, a marriage to try and save..sad to see that Kate was trying and he just wanted it over. if he did cheat I would want a divorce too, most times you cant come back from that.
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