So I've heard that Madsen is doing a giveaway. If you aren't familiar with them, click on the pic to the right of this post to learn about Madsen products and to enter the giveaway yourself! Now I'm not sure if you live in Arkansas how up your alley this is, but I think my California readers will dig it! In any case, they are pretty neat.
Of course, if I win, I will be the one riding this bike. Why won't I share with Chris? Well, I would but my hubs doesn't know how to ride a bike. He'd be thrilled that I am telling you all this. When we were first dating I attempted to show him how. I held onto the back and helped him get started but he fell over and now he won't get back on it.
So if I win, I think I'd like the blue one. If you win, what color would you get?
(Oh and for a quick B update...I had to WAKE him UP this morning. It was 8:40 and the little man was still passed out! He's doing much better!)
I think a Burley bike trailer is much safer because you can strap the child in and it's covered with aluminum roll bars. That bike you can't do that! Don't forget the helmet! :-)
Hi! That Madsen bike sure does look cool! I would have to agree with Shari, as bike lovers at this house we had a "Bell" bike trailer, my son used it and when my daughter could sit up she rode in it with my son, then he graduated to the "trailgator" which is an awesome way to help teach little ones to learn to ride a bike, then may daughter used the trailer, that is until this year, she is now four...sniff sniff... and uses the trailgator hooked to my husbands bike. Check out www.trailgator.com when B is older--first I recommend a two seater trailer-so you are ready when number 2 is here!
oh, by the way the madsen bike would be really cool to run errands with, I added a bike basket to the front of my bike so we could run errands while enjoying a nice bike ride...that was when my son was little and we lived in town and could run to the dollar tree etc. we now live in the country and with hills and valleys...we have to take the bikees places the kids can ride safely! but that is okay, wouldn't give up the surroundings of woods for a nice bike ride...oh would I? ha
Glad Brayden is doing so well!
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