Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Driving 101

If you have any interest in reading Beccah's apology, it is now up at www.littleoneapril.blogspot.com

Moving on.

I think some of my fellow drivers need a refresher course. Here are a few tips (you know, just in case they are reading) for them.

- A turning lane is just that. A turning lane. Not a cruise for the next three miles lane. Certainly not a passing lane. Just a turning lane.

- If a speed limit sign says "50 mph" then at least do 45. And if you still can't swing it, then please, please, please get in the slow lane.

- Unless there is a stoplight at the end of the freeway entrance or traffic is stopped, don't stop. You have that whole time to be checking for on-coming traffic. MERGE!!!

- If you are an experienced driver/texter, then by all means. However, if you can't do both at the same time, DON'T!

- There are two lanes because it's okay for people to be in either one...you can't be in BOTH at one time unless you are changing lanes (that to the person I followed for well over a mile driving in the dead center of the road!).

Ahh. I feel better now. Got any driving tips to add?


Kim said...

I saw your comment over t Kelly's Korner. Your blog is really cute, and so is little Brayden!! My daughter was also in the NICU back in July 2006. She was premature and weighed 3lbs 13oz, at 36 weeks. We were blessed that she was only there for 10 days and didn't have any serious health problems, but leaving the hospital without your baby is awful!!
Happy 5 months as a Mommy!

Jessica said...

I feel your pain I am in the process of moving to Dallas. Traffic is awful there!! Here is another one, if there is an accident, don't stop and gawk keep moving. Lol

Sonya said...

I agree entirely with your post! I want to make bumper stickers that say "I use my cruise, and it's not my foot!". I do get annoyed with people talking/texting because they are unable to keep up a speed!

Unknown said...

Ok...here's what drives me nuts. We live in a small town with lots of 4 way stops. Sometimes there are multiple cars that arrive at around the same time. But if it is OBVIOUS that I arrived first, please do not motion for me to go like you are doing me a favor!!! Do I sound bitter? =) Felt good to get it off my chest!
Love, Jenifer

Anonymous said...

Most people dont seem to realize that the little lever on the left of the steering wheel is a BLINKER and should be used when you are going to TURN. :-)

Jennifer | GraceLikeRainBlog said...

I think an often overlooked feature on vehicles these days are what they call "head lights". They're to be used at night, but also dawn and dusk and, oh yeah, during driving rainstorms, snowstorms, etc. You may be able to see out your windshield, but they would help me see YOU, especially if you're BEHIND me. M'kay? M'kay!

Ann said...

This is hysterical!

Adding to the headlights comment. If you are driving in fog please turn your lights on, especially if you are a white/gray car. I can't see you if you don't!

Courtney said...

SHEW. I have two to add .. Don't slow down for a GREEN light .. And don't start braking or slam your brakes when the car a good mile in front of you is braking! Drives me crazy when people do those things..Especially when I'm in the car with them! haha

Elisabeth said...

Brayden is growing from a beautiful baby boy to a handsome little man I am so happy you have him healthy and happy! Seeing your tips and gadgets has helped me get ready for our miracle ( I know it will happen!)

Driving tips:

While driving its not the greatest time to read the newspaper AND put on make up especially on one of the most busy roads in the US the Ohio turnpike.

Its also not the time to nurse your baby AND talk on the phone all while evading police.

Stop signs are just that stop signs when it says stop you stop not try to pull out in front of the car going 50 mph.

When a newly paved road says 25 mph its really 25 mph not your own personal race track.

Meg said...

Haha, welcome to my world of driving. I learned to drive in Fort Lauderdale, now I live in a relatively small town and I want to scream every time I merge on the highway only to come to a near halt at the end of the merge.

Merge people, merge.

kim_brough said...

Turn off your blinker!!!

Erin Parker said...

Well, I think you all about covered it. My BIGGEST pet peeve is when people stop at the end of a freeway ramp when they have an entire acceleration lane! I have about creamed a few people b/c of this and it is sooooo common here! Never in my life!
Oh, yah, my other one. If you see people trying to enter the freeway and the left lane is free and clear for you to get over to allow these people onto the road, MOVE OVER AND LET THEM IN! It's really, really, really not that hard. I promise. It isn't. And what's even more great is that as soon as you get past the on-ramp, you can move back over into the right lane.
Okay...one more. The left lane is for...p-a-s-s-i-n-g. Not to cruise going under or right at the speed limit. It is not the lane to ride beside the car in the right lane. It is the lane designated for traffic trying to pass.
Okay, seriously, I'm done. :-)

Aishlea said...

Too funny! I used to have about a 40 minute commute and had serious road rage. My commute is only 20 minutes now and dealing with I24 traffic is much easier...but I totally agree with your driving instructions. But I have one to add! How about this one:

*There are multiple lanes on an interstate for a reason. You do not have to get right beside the car in the lane beside you and drive the same speed, causing traffic behind you to slow down. WE can't get around either of you if you are driving right beside each other at the same speed!!!

Amy said...


Keep up the great posts!


zanesmommy said...

I am just figuring that all of our snowbirds have migrated to you area. The summer months in AZ is some much better for driving than the winter months. KNOW you pain!

Creekmore's said...

This is too funny. Just FYI, on July 1, it becomes illegal in AR to text while driving.

Jessica said...

My favorite is when people see a cop and think they are sitting there SPECIFICALLY to catch ONLY THEM. EVERYONE hits the breaks and goes like 5 mph BELOW the speed limit. Or if the cop already has someone pulled over--gee, maybe the cop will forget that person, jump in his cruiser, and come after you! riiight. Drives me nuts!

Lauren said...

Oh my, TOO funny!!! You so need to give me your e-mail address, please!!! :)

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

Well, I would appreciate if while on the highway when I leave a safe distance between my car and the car in front of me so that I would be able to stop immediatly if needed without having a wreck...some Jack would not try to squeeze in between us in the "safe space"! OR If there is construction and the road is going to one lane and there is a long line of people waiting in traffic...I would appreciate it if a car did not try to pass everyone that is waiting in the lane to get up to the very front and merge WAY PAST TIME TO MERGE so that everyone that was waiting their turn has to wait even longer. Why do they think their time is so much more valuable since they are coming along after those of us following the driving rules?? And don't they realize they are making traffic worse for everyone else involved?

Abby said...


Cathy said...

Amen, Sister!

Unknown said...

How about...don't make a U-turn in the middle of a busy intersection because you can cause an accident from all directions!

Love this post! I read your blog all the time and you and your family are so cute! Glad that Brayden is doing so well and is healthy. My baby was in the NICU for 10 days after he was born so I know what you went through.


FutureMrsZ said...

If you are in the fast lane and you can't keep up with the car in front of you, GET OUT OF THE FAST LANE!

amy (metz) walker said...

So true!

Mama2aMiracle said...

My word! B is becoming such a little ham! What a doll! :-)

My favorite (NOT) is the people that think they do not have to use their blinkers to get over in front of me..I mean I have NO idea that you wanted over because you didnt use your blinker..aahh! They they continue on to flick you off because you so can not read their minds! ha!

Lori from TN

WinsyWade said...

I love this list, especially the last one! Sometimes I would like an air horn like cops have so I could yell out my window at people like this. Ha! That or some time of scrolling message bar that would tell the drivers around you what you think of them ;)


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