We took a carry on rollerboard with us that had all of B's stuff...that way if they lost the big suitcase we still has his clothes, diapers, formula, Thick-It, rice, etc etc. We also took the carseat base not realizing that we didn't need to -you can lock the carseat in with just a seatbelt. Opps.
Here is B in his very first taxi!
He slept through the entire plane ride (88 mins) out to Chicago! It was great! I had him suck on his bink throughout the flight to keep his ears popped.
Here he is eating with the gals...mommy, grammy and great-grandma.
We flew home yesterday and he did pretty well, though he didn't sleep on the plane this time. On accident I packed my liquids in the wrong bag and TSA took everything...ugh. They are so nice about it too...(picture me rolling my eyes here). Chris had already gone through with the bags and I had Brayden and for some reason they decided they weren't going to let my stroller go through the scanner and the TSA guy made me pull it back out (it was halfway through) and get it down and wouldn't let anyone help me - AND I was holding B. I was soooo mad. That thing is heavy and I could have hurt B trying to do it one handed. So in the future Chris won't go through until ALL of our stuff has made it to the other side.
So all in all, great trip and a lot learned!
Fun trip! I think we may go to Chicago this fall. I'm glad Brayden's first flight went well! Sounds like the airport mess was a lot of fun! It really makes flying not a fun when you have to go through all of that to get there!
And I'm so gald to know you are tall! All this time I assumed Chris was short because y'all were so close in height in pictures! Haha!!
I love Chicago!!
I'm glad B had a good, first trip. He is so cute!!
Yes, don't you just love all the airport technicalities these days???
I can't believe how big he is getting. He is one of the cutest babies!! I can't even imagine traveling with a baby but it sounds like B was just perfect. :)
We are going to fly with Harper over labor day to the beach and i'm already dreading it so I will need you to give me lots of travel tips. (I had been thinking we would have to take a base also)
Thanks for sharing, glad you all had a great time! I was looking for travel stories on other peoples blogs because I am so worried about all we are going to have! Formula pumps, iv bags, flying is going to be a nightmare! Still looking forward to traveling with our son once he is ready. Thanks for sharing!
Well at least you got out and took him flying! Don't let nothing hold you back!
Sounds like a ball! I love seeing grandpa's and thier grand babies. You should hop over to my blog and see my Daddy with My baby from this past weekend. It's a love fest!
Oh HAY!! What fun, I am so glad the first experience was a good one.. Lots more traveling for y'all now!!
Sounds like you had a great first trip! I've been reading your blog for a while, but I don't think I've commented since Brayden was born. My husband is a US Marshal, therefore, he doesn't have to go through security like the rest of us. The two times we have flown since he became Federal, he has to wait for us at the very end of security and I have NO help. So, I feel your pain!
Smart thinking on taking the carseat! I thought I'd be frugal and not take ours... I learned that he would travel MUCH better in his own seat, and not in mommy's lap since that is what he is used to. Lesson learned!!
That sounds like a fun trip. I hate airport mess when it is just me and my hubby. I can't imagine adding another one to the batch :-)
What a fun first trip!! He looks SOOO cute in that baseball hat!!
Glad you guys had a great trip!
The airport is such a pain in the butt! I am glad your little man had an uneventful plane ride, uneventful is always wonderful with the little ones. :)
BTW, I love the monkeys.
Very good info - our first flight will be in August when A is 5 months old.
That sounds like fun and I'm so glad he did well! We are going to Chicago in July and I can't wait!
Wow. Honestly, I cannot even imagine being able to just 'decide' to go fly somewhere! You are very blessed with the life the Lord has put you in.
I love the pic of you & Brayden in the taxi. That expression is absolutely PRICELESS!! : P
Glad you had a happy & safe trip!
God bless.In Jesus,
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