Friday, May 29, 2009
I think booboo is getting a tooth. He has a bump on his bottom gum, he is drooling like a madman, and is SUPER grouchy. I got him one of those freezable gel teething rings and he's loving it.
I am ordering a Maclaren stroller. Any suggestions? Do you have one? Love it? Hate it?
I am listing some stuff on craigslist. I've never done this before. Should be fun. If your interested in a twice used (as in he was in the swing twice - it was brand new when we bought it) Graco Sleep Peace swing let me know. Also I've got a never opened box of Bright Starts Bounce Bounce baby exer-saucer amongst other things.
Tomorrow is dinner at my favorite place in NWA - Ruth's Chris. Yummo.
And a Jon and Kate they are being investigated for a possible child labor violation. Like that poor family doesn't have enough to deal with. I hope they can work through this mess and pull together for their kids.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What's B Up To? And a Award!
This is another post for me...I want to remember what B is up to these days!
This is what I found this morning...a boy who rolled over from his tummy to his back in his sleep (he had done it once earlier in the day too!)!
- You still sleep through the night. We have a strict routine that starts at 8:40pm every night. You get your bath, your eczema prescription, your lotion, PJ's and then a bottle with rice. We rock you in your room while we feed you and then put you to bed once you are asleep.
- You are starting to dislike the bouncy seat. I can usually get you to sit in it while I'm in the shower, but that's it.
- You LOVE your jumperoo and your walker. You wear your little self out!
- You've been eating rice and applesauce for awhile now and like it.
- Your rolling over - in BOTH directions (last night you started rolling from tummy to back).
- You love to watch TV!
- You love to sit on my hip so that you can look around in all directions while I'm carrying you.
- You love to ride the horsey (bouncing you on our knees).
- You went on your first plane ride and did great!
- You are very attached to your momma and daddy! Which we love of course!
- You enjoy stroller rides with mommy while daddy is at the driving range.
- You love being "Superman." Mommy and Daddy pick you up and fly you up into the air! You smile so big at this!
- You repeat sounds - Mommy says "ooooo" and you love to say it back!
-You can sit without my help for about 5-15 seconds before you lose your balance.
I'll keep adding as I think of things!
Now for the award part!
A big thank you to Charlotte at The Happy Hamilton's!
So the rules are that I have to name 7 awesome things about me and then pass it on to 7 awesome people!
Let me preface this by saying I am fairly boring and don't find myself awesome, so bear with me here!
1. I'm a good mom. It's taken me awhile to feel this way, but I can say honestly that now I know I am. I had a lot of guilt over Brayden being sick and it's taken me a long time to get past that and KNOW that I didn't do anything wrong. In fact, according to the doc's I did things right by having an induction and a c-section. Sometimes people try to make you feel bad for the choices you make, but in this case, I did the very best thing even if others don't agree.
2. I'm a hard worker. Whenever I'm working on something I give it 110% or I don't do it.
3. I'm a loyal person. If you're my friend then you never have to worry about me having your back. I'll defend you to the grave!
4. I love my husband. I could spend every second of every day with him and never be bored.
5. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor. You have to really know me to get me. I'm like Bethenny from NYC housewives but without the foul language. And if I'm not comfortable around you yet, I don't say much because you'd think I'm nuts.
6. I'm a traveller. I don't know that that makes me awesome, but I love to be on the go. Once we got the green light to take B out of the house, there have been maybe 3 days when we've not gone anywhere. We fly at least 10 times a year to different places. Love it.
7. Lastly, I'd say I'm awesome because I'm real. I tell it like it is, and if you don't like it sorry. I think a lot of people (especially here in the South) don't quite get me. But I was raised differently, and I'm not afraid to share my mind or my heart. A lot of people here are very guarded and don't really know how to be open, and I'm just not like that.
So I nominate:
Jon and Kate..Your Thoughts?
I'm sure you're all caught up on the Jon and Kate drama, but if you aren't here's an overview:

- Jon was caught partying with a 23 year old school teacher. He says it was innocent.
- Above-mentioned teachers brother (who she lives with) says it wasn't so innocent.
- Kate spends about 1/2 of each month gone doing speaking engagements and book tours (she was here on Mother's Day weekend).
- Jon no longer works outside of the home, but stays at home to take care of the kids.
- Kate has been accused of having a relationship with her bodyguard.
Those are the major points. There's a lot of other "stuff" but that should catch you up if you aren't following the story.
So what do you think about this?
Did Jon cheat?
Did Kate?
Will they stay together?
Can their marriage be fixed?
Will you keep watching the show?
Personally, I think they can overcome anything - they just have to want to. I think Kate has some major changes to make. I would never, ever speak to my husband the way she speaks to Jon. As for Jon, he needs to step up and take control a little more and not be so pushed around by Kate. I don't think Kate cheated on Jon and I don't know what I think about him cheating on her. I sure hope he didn't.
I watched an interview on the Today show with Jodi and Kevin (Kate's brother and his wife). If you've watched the show over the last several years, you'll remember them - they lived down the street from J and K. Jodi seems like the nicest person. She used to watch the kids every Friday (and she has 4 of her own!). Apparently, the show offered to pay her and Kate threw a fit and refused to have much to do with them after that. (You can read about that on Jodi's sisters blog). Anyway, they are concerned for the kids, and I agree. I can't imagine dragging them through this - and if they do divorce it will be so overly documented on their show.
So what are your thoughts?
First Flight! Chicago!
We took a carry on rollerboard with us that had all of B's stuff...that way if they lost the big suitcase we still has his clothes, diapers, formula, Thick-It, rice, etc etc. We also took the carseat base not realizing that we didn't need to -you can lock the carseat in with just a seatbelt. Opps.
Here is B in his very first taxi!
He slept through the entire plane ride (88 mins) out to Chicago! It was great! I had him suck on his bink throughout the flight to keep his ears popped.
Here he is eating with the gals...mommy, grammy and great-grandma.
We flew home yesterday and he did pretty well, though he didn't sleep on the plane this time. On accident I packed my liquids in the wrong bag and TSA took everything...ugh. They are so nice about it too...(picture me rolling my eyes here). Chris had already gone through with the bags and I had Brayden and for some reason they decided they weren't going to let my stroller go through the scanner and the TSA guy made me pull it back out (it was halfway through) and get it down and wouldn't let anyone help me - AND I was holding B. I was soooo mad. That thing is heavy and I could have hurt B trying to do it one handed. So in the future Chris won't go through until ALL of our stuff has made it to the other side.
So all in all, great trip and a lot learned!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance?
Oh, 10 years ago I would have been all over this. Thanks to knee surgery #1 (#2 should take place in a couple of months) and infertility drugs wreaking havoc on me (and my weight) this dream is lonnnnnng gone. But I love living vicariously through others!
So do you watch? What's your fav show?
(Oh, and because I also Heart my son, - and for the sake of my sarcastic humor - I've changed my background. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, scroll down a few posts and read "Monkeys.")
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Big News
Houston, we have a roll over. My sweet little man decided that tonight was the night. Every night before his bath/bed routine, we lay him in bed with us while we watch reality tv that we've DVR'ed and he kicks and plays. Lately he will roll onto his side while we sit there cheering for him to totally roll over, which he never does.
So tonight he rolled onto his side and we didn't get over excited. So then he rolled onto his belly. And we LOST it. We were clapping and cheering and he looked at us like we were nuts. Like duh Mom and Dad, I've totally been able to do this all along I just just didn't feel like it. Oh yes, he's my son.
On another note, please pray for baby Avery and her family. They are from Fayetteville and are down in Little Rock now. Avery hasn't been given the best news today. But as we know, we serve a great and mighty God who can do ALL things.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
4 Months Old
I took this pic before heading out to his doctor appt and before he got his shots. Poor baby had to get shots on his birthday!
This was last months pic!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
I dressed both of my boys alike:
And this:
And because this day is really all about my little man, here he is for the first time in his walker!!! He didn't walk but he played with the animals!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Double The Fun

Oh and he loves bath time now too! A far cry from the baby we brought home who screamed bloody murder when he got near the water let alone in it. We call him Senor Crazy Legs because he has figured out that it's hilarious when he kicks his legs in the water and splashed Mommy.
Every night at 8:40pm I bathe him, Chris dries and Jammies him and I make his babba. We take turns doing the night feeding and putting him to bed. And then, with any luck he sleeps through the night (which in the last 2 or 3 weeks we've only had one night where he woke up at 4:30). The other day he slept almost 12 hours (woke up at 8:50am). I was in shock. I was able to shower, do my makeup and get dressed before he woke up!
Appointment Cancelled
So yesterday I called the newborn clinic at the hospital and left a message. I wanted to move our appt back a little (it was at 10am and it's a lonnnng drive) and was waiting for them to call me back. The phone rang this afternoon and it was Dr. Prince, the doctor that discharged Brayden! I was so excited to talk to her! She asked me a few questions about him, how he eats, what he weighs etc and decided that we didn't have to come!
So I'm sad that we wont be seeing our favorite people down there at ACH but glad that my boy is healthy enough that he doesn't have to go!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A few pics
And here are a few pics to share...
Mr. Pouty Face:
And finally...THE shoes. Ahh.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Gift Ideas
Things I've thought about:
-Jewelry (already done - when B was sick)
- Flowers (will do)
- Pic's of B
- Brag Books
- Willow Tree figurine
I'd like to get them something really nice. Any ideas?