We had to go up on his prevacid because of his weight gain. I will still take him in every two weeks to be weighed so that they can adjust his medication (so we don't have days like yesterday...yikes). He did really well with his shots (thanks for the tips on the Tylenol, that helped a lot!) and no, I didn't cry! But I've seen him endure far worse, so I guess it just didn't bother me too much.
We went to Grammy and Grand Daddy's (my parents) for our traditional St Patty day meal of corned beef and cabbage. Yum ... to the corned beef, not so much the cabbage!
We got home around 8pm and I felt like cleaning so I've just purged a ton of stuff out of my dresser and I am pleased to report that I can now open the drawers! Ha! Hope you all had a great holiday!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Too Cute!!!
AND WOO HOO for the weight gain. You are such an incredible mom. I can't wait to see more pictures.
Congrats to Brayden...he is looking as cute as ever :)
He looks so cute in his outfit!
Very cute and looking great! I'm embarrassed to say I was 10. 3 at birth and 23 inches long! I was a big girl!!! He is looking GREAT!!!
Hearts and Hugs
My goodness he is getting big!!
Love me some big baby rolls!! :)
He is amazingly adorable!! Happy St. Patty's Day! Thanks for the past weeks of unbeleivable inspiration as you dealt with your trials!!! You have truly inspired me with your faith!
He's just looking like a little man!
He is already growing into such a big boy :)! I am happy you got a good report!!!
Haha, love the St. Patty's Day outfit. Toooooo cuteeeee!
OH my, it has been awhile since I've back to visit, life has been a complete zoo!!!! I was soo excited to see how much Brayden has grown. Praise the Lord!!!!
too cute
Oh my word! I want to squeeze those sweet little cheeks! Jenna, he is precious! He is growing like crazy! He will catch up with Brody before long. That is so awesome that he is doing so well! And I don't like cabbage either! :)
How cute is he! Love the chunky little cheeks!
Way to go Brayden! Glad to hear that he is eating and growing. He looks wonderful.
Annapolis, MD
He is such a cutie! And great news that he is growing so well :) I've continued to pray for him and his reflux...can sympathize with you...and I just read your last post--not the comments sorry--but about the drooling: I've heard it's normal for reflux babies to drool a lot, (my pulminologist just told me this,) and it's part of what bothers them and why they choke. Wierd I know. My toddler just started on meds again for reflux because she choked on her drinks/food and it's made a great difference!
So Cute.. I'm hoping to have our own baby soon.
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