Apparently, he wasn't hot on the idea of taking his picture in his boppy...
We had a big day today - we went to Sam's Club, Mommy got a pedicure, we went to dinner at Market Place and then we went to a store for Chris. Now we are all hanging out on the couch and waiting to give Brayden a bottle so we can go to sleep!
Brayden's started to drool - a LOT, which concerns me a little so I'm going to mention it to our ped on Tuesday. Has anyone else experience this?
I haven't seen anyone talk about Celebrity Apprentice...are you watching? Of course, we watch all things reality in our house (sad, but true) and I was a little disappointed with Clint Black. Now, I am no Joan Rivers fan but I think thus far she has really done a good job. If you are watching, who's your fave?
Happy 2 Months!!! Hooray!
Don't worry about the drool. It's all normal, and no, it doesn't mean he's teething yet. Our daughter has drooled like a dog since she was around a month or so. It's part of the body adjusting to life outside the womb or something to that effect. I can't remember what I was told four months ago! But I can tell you that she soaks through three or four outfits a day.
Bibs, the heavy duty kind, are a mom's best friend.
My boys started getting teeth in at 2 mo. and that was when they started with the drool too, so I don't know. But I would also suggest Heavy Duty bibs! I found a couple made out of chenille that were awesome. YEA on the 2 mo. birthday!
Drool is normal!! my son would stick his entire fist in his mouth and soak an outfit a hour at 2 months...and that no joke. I have a picture of him from sears we had taken and you can see the drool just flying off his's just the start of teething. A lot of times they will get a rash on the chin too from so much very normal!!
I used to put a lage clothe bib on him while we were home and that helped with the outfits
oh and that first picture just warmed my heart...too sweet!!!
He is so cute!! The drool is normal - it's most likely the beginning of teething! And when that kicks in full gear it's crazy! We used Hyland's teething tablets with all three of my children and it worked wonders for the them. sounds like in the mean time to break out the bibs and have extra burp cloths handy!
@ about 2 1/2 months my second son (who is now 13mo) started to droll ALOT and gnaw on anthing near his mouth, @ 3 3/4 month he cut his first tooth...he now has first so didn't get his first tooth till 6mo.... and the 2nd is a preemie, he likes to do everything but walk early lol. Brayden is just precious by the way, as if you didn't know ;)
Hey! aww happy 2 months!
My little boy is just over 2 months and he drools and has learned how to spit and make litle spit bubbles, totally normal!
Drooling at 2 months = normal
both my boys started to do some major droolin at 2 months becuz they were startin teethin
The drool is the beginning of teething no worries! Brock started the crazy drooling at 2 months but didn't cut a tooth until he was 7 months!
Brayden is so cute! Glad you got a pedi! I love them! You guys have a great weekend!
Cute pictures!! I love his little grin!
As everyone has said - drooling is normal. Most babies teethe FOREVER!! Get a bunch of cute bibs =)!
Believe it or not could be the start of teeth! BG broke a tooth through at 5 months but started teething months before.
I am so happy he is doing so well!! I think the drool is teething????
We are watching~I like Jessie James. Never thought I would but so far yes!! The women are bad...I can not believe how backstabbing the women are..OK I knew.... but still it's bad!!
I agree with all the other commenters. The drool is completely normal. My 6 month old started drooling at 2-3 months, and hasn't stopped. My pedi told me that is was a combination of the beginning process of teething (but that it could be months before she actually cuts a tooth), and a baby's inability to control their lips real well at this stage. Just a recommendation...there is a great book called Baby 411. It's written by a group of pediatricians, and it covers every topic you can think of. It has saved me many a call and trips to the doctor.
Happy 2 months to Brayden! Look at that adorable pout though...aww!!
Lookin' cute as usual!!
Yay and Happy 2 months!! I just wanted to let you know I have been following your blog along with Kelly's and I just love seeing these two happy and healthy at home! He is just too precious and that face in the first picture is hilarious! Blessings to your family!!
Happy 2 months Big boy! I agree with Everyone else. Drooling..Totally normal. :)
Aww he's getting sooo big and he's soo handsome!!! Happy 2 months baby boy!!
Oh Jenna! He is so ADORABLE! I just think he looks so happy and healthy! I love it!
Is he still sleeping ok? How are you feeling?? I hope you are feeling back to normal.
The drool is normal. I asked as well at Brody's two month appt. He started it right at two months and hasn't stopped yet! haha! I just keep lots of bibs handy! You are doing great at the mom thing! :)
He just hasn't learned to control his saliva yet, the drool is completely normal. We as adults swallow our saliva when we have too much in our mouths and we don't even realize it, but babies don't know what to do with it so they just let it drool out of their mouths! He is so stinkin cute and can't believe he is 2 months already!
Our son started drooling very early too. I was worried at first and then thought for months that he was maybe getting a tooth. It was four months later that he did. We had to start buying cute bibs cause he was always in them to keep his shirts dry.
He looks so good.
I absolutely LOVE the pouty lip picture!! Too CUTE!!!
Both of my boys(3yo and 17months) started drooling REALLY bad around the same age. But neither got teeth until they were around 7 months! really thick bibs... they will save you from having to change his clothes every couple of hours, you'll just have to change the bib instead.
Love both pictures but the lip on the first one is too cute!!! I came into the first episode of CA a little too late, but I'm hoping Clint Black really isn't as bad as everyone says - that'd be very disappointing!
Brayden is such a cutie! That poutie-face is so adorable!
I am a HUGE Celebrity Apprentice fan! Like you, in the beginning, I was pulling for Clint Black...but he's not really impressed me. Joan really has surprised me....she may just win it!
Happy Two-Month Birthday, Brayden! You are sooo cute. Sounds like you and Mommy are having fun running errands and hanging out! Just wait til Spring is here and you get to be outside will have so much fun!
Annapolis, MD
He is adorable! Drooling, like everyone else has said, is so normal. My Lilly has drooled forever, chewed for months, and still no teethies.
I agree, drooling is just a normal thing. Mine drooled and drooled and everyone kept saying they were teething, but neither got a tooth until 11 1/2 and 10 1/2 months. But, just because a tooth hasn't broken through doesn't mean they aren't teething. My ped. explained that what happens is that the teeth rise and fall under the gums. Each time they come closer to the surface, they don't go back down quit as far. Eventually they make their way out. They can also brake through and then go back under the gums. My youngest did that. When his bottom tooth finally broke through at 10 1/2 months I called daddy at work telling him all about it. When he got home, he looked and asked me where. It had gone completely back under the gums and it was another week or so before we saw it again.
Okay - the other topic - we are also Apprentice watchers. We've seen every season. I like Scott Hamilton (because I'm a former ice skater LOL) but I'm not sure yet who I like. I do not like the Poker lady, she's a big pain.
I LOVE that pouty lip picture :) So cute...but of course that grin in picture too is too precious!
Thanks for the 'thank you' message!! leaving the comments while Brayden was in the hospital was the least I could do....the power of prayer is amazing!!!! I did have your blog button on my blog but just removed it as he is now doing SO well! :)
All three of my kids drooled LIKE CRAZY starting around two months to until they were a year or so...and NONE of them got a single tooth before a year old. Everyone would constantly tell my kids were drooling so much because they were cutting teeth...and I would just shake my head and smile...I KNEW they weren't. Anyway, all of my kids drooled so much, I was known to have a bib tucked away in every corner of my house, car and purse...we just went through so MANY, MANY a day! So, no worries...drool is quite normal! (I have a bib that says "spit happens"!!!!)
He might be beginning to teeth. Allie drooled for months before her first teeth actually broke through and then it was nonstop from there.
Happy 2 mths Brayden!!!
It is a little early, but he could be starting to drool...or it could be nothing...they jsut do it sometimes.
BTW - He's so cute! But you knew that already, right?
Stacey in Missippi
Yeah! 2 months already.
As for the drooling, my son cut his first two teeth between two and three months and drooled tons! We just kept lots of bibs around and he wore them with everything! And keep some Hylands teething tablets on hand. That and Tylenol are about the only things I used for both of my kids.
Jenna, Brayden is way tooooo cute! Loved the pics. Haven't been keeping up with Celebrity Apprentice. So can't help you there!! Happy Monday!!!
Happy 2 months old (a few days late) to Brayden!! Yeah!! What a cutie-pie!! Thank God for answered prayers! Hope you have a great week!
HAPPY 2 MONTHS BRAYDEN ;)! It sounds like you are starting to get into a good routine!
Aw I love all the pics of Brayden! So cute!
He is so cute! I can't believe it's been 2 months! I am so happy that things turned out so well, Praise the Lord!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
Happy 2 month birthday lil man!!
He is a doll!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Aaron and I are doing great. And I LOVE to see pictures of your miracle!
Happy 2 month birthday, Brayden! God is so good. :-)
Happy 2 months!!!
I am watching the apprentice too! Don't really have a fav yet. but the girls are doing awesome!!! I am shocked at some of the guys like you said Clint Black surprised me however he did pick up his game a little this week. I cannot believe Trump didn't kick Dennis Rodman off yet!!! I am addicted too!
Cute pictures! Happy 2-month birthday to him :)
Yes to the drool question. My daughter drooled nonstop from 2-5 months. I knew it wasn't from teething, doctor wasn't concerned. She's now 8 months and never drools!
Just read your post about Brayden drooling. My grand-daughter turned 2 months on the 10th and her pediatrician warned my daughter that Grace would start drooling soon! So funny that you noticed Brayden drooling. Its normal! :-) So glad he is doing so well.
When my oldest started drooling he was also 2 mos. old. he started teething very soon after.
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